A Call To Holiness

June Through July 1993 Messages To Lena Shipley

01-03-93 FAMILY ROSARY Mary, Our Christ-Bearer

My Dear Families,

In the luminous light and peace of the Christmastide, I bring you the Christ-Child, your Hope! I am your Christ-Bearer. I have delivered Him unto you and your families. You shall never be a people without hope, without light - Eternal Light. Your Emmanuel dwells among you illuminating your darkness.

Your families are the New Bethlehem! Within the abode of the heart of your family, He finds His rest and comfort. I invite you to manifest His presence today in the cold world by your love for one another.

My families, your Emmanuel is at your fingertips in the Eucharist. Partake of His Body and His Blood. You, like your Mother, must be Christ-Bearers in the world which has lost its' way. Manifest His presence in your world - by your love, by your faith. Let His Light shine from within your families, manifesting His presence to all.

Renew the Hope of Christmas by manifesting Jesus through the living out of My Messages as family.

I am with you.

01-05-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE Mary has come to manifest the reality of an Invisible God

My Chosen Cenacle,

My Voice cries out in the desert of your world, Prepare, My children, the way of the Lord. Before the Great and Terrible Day of reckoning, I am with you so long to make manifest God's Presence, His Goodness and His immeasurable Love for all of the creatures He has created.

My Cenacle, out of the depths of His Love, He sent you His Son, Jesus. Jesus, the Son of the Supreme God, being God Himself, extinguished the effects of the scourge of evil with the Fire of Divine Love, the Supreme Sacrifice, laying claim to Eternal Life for all God's creatures. But His creatures have not claimed their great inheritance!

I have come to make manifest God's Eternal Love through the continual sacrifice of His Son to Himself - hour after hour - day after day - in the treasure of the Mass, God among His people. My children, I have come to manifest the reality of an Invisible God! I have come to My floundering children. I have heard their imprisoned cry. I have come among you to touch and to awaken your human hearts. I come to extinguish the darkness because My unsighted children are lost! Their eyes have been closed in blindness; their ears have rendered to the deafness which has infected their souls. They are lost and confused as they cling to their human securities. The hour is grave, My Cenacle, as the world has fallen asleep in their blindness, in their deafness.

My poor children, I behold the face of our God! I come to bear witness to the Truth of His Love, His Mercy and His Justice. Won't you let Me be your eyes? You, too, can see your God through the Heart of your Mother. Let Me be your eyes so that you, too, can see His Sacred Wounds savagely opened anew by His enemies! Let Me be your eyes so that you can see the Truth, and with the Light of Truth you, too, can behold your God - His Perfect Will - His Perfect Plan of Justice. My Cenacle, with the same Love in which God sent you His Son, The Purifier, He will send the scourge of the Purification. It is in Love, My Cenacle, that He created souls. It will be in Love that He draws all souls unto Himself.

Let My touch of Grace dispel the deafness, My Beloved! Hear My Messages! Live them! Embrace them! My Messages spoken around the world through My little ones will be your sustenance for tomorrow. They are your weapons for the battle in which you are engaged today. My Messages will be your hope in that day when the world cries out from its' cross, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken us"?

My Cenacle, I am a Mother who will never forsake Her children - in days of grace and superfluous favors and in days of silence. In the day of silence, do not allow fear to overcome you. I am with you. I, too, hear the cry of the poor! Stay ever so close to My Heart in these tumultuous days and pray, My cenacle, pray.

01-10-93 FAMILY ROSARY Prayer secures treasure laid up for us from Heaven

My Families,

What treasure can be compared to the treasure laid up for you in Heaven as God's adopted sons and daughters. Yes, My children, your Baptism has afforded you such a treasure! Prayer, My families, secure it.

What melody can compare to the sweetness of the blending of the voices of your little ones in prayer and their angels as they rise as incense before the face of God? My families, you are no longer your own, nor do you belong to the world but to Him who has ransomed you and called you by name.

Prayer sets your spirit to flight, transcends time and space. Prayer carries you to the throne of God bringing you into His presence. Be constant, my families, in your prayers, especially the Rosary.

Your enemies are hemming in on you - accosting you with nothing less than arrows forged in the furnaces of hell! Particular vengeance is aimed at youth! I wish to make of your homes an alcove of peace - a hallowed place where My precious little ones find safety and rest. Your family rosaries will provide such protection.

The favor of the Lord rests upon you, the children of His predilection. My Rosary, the prayer of My predilection, will deliver you from the power of those who seek your lives. The Rosary will spare you from the unremitting fires. From the jaws of death you shall be saved. Those who have blazed their path with persevering prayer will endure forever!

01-13-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE A call to proclaim the Truth of the Gospel in its defense

My Beloved Cenacle,

O, what a fearsome fate would be mete upon the world were it not for My consecrated, faithful ones dedicated to My Message of Prayer, Penance and Conversion!

My Beloved, the time has come when the outrages committed against the Merciful Heart of My Son can no longer be ignored. So many of His so-called followers turn their backs upon the evils of today - in indifference. Your Mother weeps because of the great number of the lukewarm souls who cower in silence - turning away from all the blasphemies, all the crimes of the godless. In the coming day of the Lord, silence, for such as these, will be their gravest sin, holding them accountable before the Face of Justice and Truth.

Now is the hour to actively proclaim the Truth of the Gospels. Now is the hour to defend Truth fearlessly in order to preserve it! My children who fail to raise their voice in defense of the gospel; indeed, make a noise unto the Lord - the noise of treason. My children, not to be openly for Jesus in the face of death wrought by sin, is to be against Him.

My Cenacle, My eyes have shown upon you cradling you in their gaze. The Lords' favor is with you through the graces He has lavished upon you through your Mother. I weep because of the dangers set before you, in this age of Satan's Anarchy. I tremble at the masses who are entangled in his web of terror.

I send you forth like sheep among wolves with words of confidence and salvation. Sow seeds of salvation, My Beloved, especially among the young who are especially vulnerable to easy compromises with the master of this world. You will meet with a great thirst among my children, a by- product resulting from your prayers. How their parched lips will long for the drink that you will offer them!

I call you to set an example by walking along the road of love, prayer and penance. The Holy Spirit is stirring into flame the virtues imparted to you as children borne into the world from the Womb of My Immaculate Heart. Each day, My Cenacle, ratify your commitment to My Messages of Hope for the world, draw forth His Everlasting Mercy with your penance's, and go out into your world as instruments of Our Mercy.

I am with you.

01-17-93 FAMILY ROSARY War, dividing and conquering the family unit on every front

My Families,

Now is the hour to unite your hearts to Mine in mourning for all of the families the world over who are suffering and being torn apart by the horrors of war. Wars are savagely stripping My families of their human dignity. War is dividing and conquering the family unit on every front in the world.

My faithful families, My Son's Crucifixion is again being played out in the world. His Blood is again spilling out in senseless acts of hatred and violence unleashed through the wars that you are witnessing. He is again being mocked and humiliated through the subversion of human dignity. He is being crowned again with thorns as men continue to crown their God-given lives with power, with greed and with revenge. My families have become the victims as His Kingdom continues to be mocked and debased.

Yes, My faithful, families around the world are victims of these hideous wars as men, acting as Satan's ploys and as powers unseen administer his wrath. The bloody battles waged on various fronts have forced families from their homes. Their blood flows in streams in the streets of a hostile world. Their lives are left shattered and without hope. While the bloody battles rage across the ocean, the unbloody slaughter of My families rage on your continent. Families are torn apart as error and sin run its course in your society. Virtue and truth, the blood of the soul (this rejected Grace) is flowing out of homes into the streets only to be lost and trampled underfoot.

I come as God's Ambassador. I come with a message to all families, to all people. I come with Heaven's peace plan - a plan that will set the enemy to flight, a plan whose summation is victory!

I appeal to you, My families, to align with Me in prayer, penance and conversion - Heaven's call of mourning. Our alliance will secure peace once again to your hearts, your homes, your world.

Be My families of endurance, of hope. I call you to weather the storm in prayer - together - as family. Prayer - your Mantle of Victory.

I am with you. Believe and trust!

01-20-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE We are offered a share in the redemption of mankind

My Cenacle,

Your Mother of Grace continually offers you, through the formation of your prayer groups, a share in the redemption of mankind. I wish to create within you a spirit of prayer and penance that will, without respite, serve to lead all of My children back to God, from whence they have strayed so far.

My children, look around you and see all of the frivolity, the most wretched of human interests, in which My poor orphaned children are steeped! The lost sheep do not realize where they are headed! The torments of hell await the unrepentant sinners! Indeed, arms of fire are crawling out of the bowels of the earth awaiting poor sinners. These arms of fire are reaching out ready to embrace, especially those sinners who are nearing the end of their journey of life. My Beloved, My children who have turned their back on God do not realize where they are headed! Contrarily, they do not comprehend what awaits a repentant heart! The Merciful Heart of My Son rushes to greet them when they awaken to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

I shed unrelenting tears as hearts remain closed to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit. The deafening noise of the world is not conducive to Grace, which always exalts the spirit in hiddenness and quiet.

My Cenacle, what earthly treasure can be measured against the treasures laid up in Heaven for the faithful in Love with their Creator? What earthly grandeur can compare with the splendor of the Heavenly Home? What level of power, what title can compare to your identity as sons and daughters of the Almighty God? Redemption was won for all people of all ages. So few lay claim to what is theirs by inheritance. Why? Because Satan is having his encore in the brief time he has left for the testing. He and his legions have converged upon the earth with a vengeance.

My cenacle, we are the characters staging the final, climactic chapter of Salvation History! You, My faithful, are My beacons who must light up the night that has blanketed the earth! The prayers rising from your Cenacle are the stored energy that will erupt in a spiritual blast, the New Pentecost. You have been called and to each of you has been entrusted many of the keys of salvation for lost souls. Your prayers and penance's will unlock many doors for poor sinners.

Who, My Cenacle, can comprehend the magnitude of the love of your God? He has made man to share in His creative power. He has made man to share His Eternal Home. He has made man to share in the Banquet of His own Body and Blood. And He calls man to share in His Redemptive Sacrifice. He truly wishes to be one with His creatures. Until He gathers all Creation into this oneness, I will continue to call, to invite, to plead with My army of faithful souls, to pray, to sacrifice, to convert. The hour is late and many, My Cenacle, - many souls, have scattered. We cannot yet rest until the night has passed and the New Day has dawned.

I love you.

01-24-93 FAMILY ROSARY We must avail ourselves of the Mantle offered by Mary

My Families,

Avail yourselves of the Mantle of Grace that I am forever offering you. My Mantle of protection is wide enough and long enough to enfold all of you. My Mantle of love is sufficient to warm your families during the winter coldness now settled upon the earth. Winter is upon you! The winter of sin! Its' attack on virtue and Godliness has been critical! The deep freeze of hatred and cruelty is manifesting itself in the bloody and unbloody wars raging on all fronts.

Find shelter, My families, in the protection of My Mantle in which I so willingly wrap you when you come to Me. Yes, the harshness of winter is upon you. Winter covers the land as sin in having its' season. The bulbs of virtue and holiness lie hidden and dormant. The earth lies barren while the elements of sin beat ferociously upon the earth.

I come as a Messenger of Hope in these dark days. I bring you the Truth of God's Love as your blanket of warmth in days when goodness and truth lie buried as in a great deep freeze.

Do not loose hope, My families! You are being protected within the furnace of My Immaculate Heart. Within the good earth of the humble hearts who have aspired to My call, a fury of activity is bustling - God activity! In hiddenness, the Holy Spirit is working - the result of which will be the eruption of an Eternal Springtime upon the earth. The merits of those who have responded to My call will give birth, with Me, a new dawn, a new and everlasting Springtime!

Your families are in constant need of Grace - to re-fuel for the ongoing winter. Grace will bring your family together under one Mantle - My Mantle. You must never cease to ask for this renewing Grace! God's Grace is sufficient for you to weather the storms of life ahead - together as family. The vessel of His Grace is bottomless! Ask, and it will be dispensed to you without measure. Ask, especially, for your young lest they venture out in the cold. Encircle your young within your Rosaries, your chains of Hope, so that together as family you shall arrive at the Springtime.

01-27-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE The decisive moment is upon the world

My Chosen Cenacle,

Children of My Heart, why do so many of My children fail to recognize the hour of My Visitation? What can a Mother say, in what manner of speech shall I use to proclaim that the decisive moment is upon the world?

My children, the hour of decision is at hand! Convert while the sands of the hourglass still flow! I have visited the earth bearing two Hearts - Hearts aflame with love and mercy.

The Merciful Heart of Jesus pursues His lost sheep with a jealousy rivaled not even by the most ardent lover! For the sake of His pursual, God has sent Me, the Spotless Vessel whereby His sheep may be carried safely back to the fold.

My Heart, too, Beloved, burns with love and mercy for the children that I received beneath the Cross. Who can claim to comprehend the heart of a Mother so desperate to save Her drowning children, children who remain blind to the hour of their visitation! I have come with abundant graces sufficient for this hour of conversion. So many fail to avail themselves of them. Many of My children have begun on the path to conversion; but have stopped, or worse, have turned again toward the world. My weak children allow their emotions to lead them. This is a grave error, for true faith issues forth from the heart and not the unstable human emotions.

Now is the hour for conversion! It will be too late when the floodgates of wrath burst open. My cenacle, while you lie waiting in the trenches of the battlefield, pray, pray and pray! Do not allow the enemy to tell you that all is fruitless, all in vain. Though you cannot see Me, I am with you - storing your prayers and sacrifices, channeling them to the greatest good. Do not become restless. Do not think that prayer is not changing circumstances!

Be attentive to the order of creation. In hiddenness and silence does the embryo grow in the womb of its' mother. The mother does not think that nothing is happening because she does not yet hold a child at her breast. Rather, she knows that the product of her love is growing within her. She feels the gentle stirring of the life within her. Upon maturation, her love is borne. Likewise, My Beloved, your silent, hidden prayers and sacrifices, united to My Heart, are growing strong. This work of the Holy Spirit is stirring within you. Salvation will be gained for many sinners from the Light that is borne from My army.

The enemies of God are plotting craftily in this, their final hour. The vindication of God's faithful is at hand. Persevere, My children. Draw strength and renewed zeal through the many messengers that I have planted around the world. In this hour of My visitation, rejoice, the Lord, your God is returning with outstretched arms, for you, His little ones who have recognized His Voice. But Justice must walk before Him and salvation will be secured along His Path.

01-30-93 FAMILY ROSARY Returning God's love leads us through the doorway to eternity

My Beloved Families,

How I long to come to you and gather you into My arms, as you, yourselves do for your children. I long for you to see Me, to touch Me and to talk to Me. I desire to share with you the same intimacy that you enjoy one with the other.

The God, by Whose power causes the seas to swell and surge, by Whose power calms them again - has called you into existence. He has bestowed upon you the incredible gift of life. He has anointed your lives with the precious gift of faith whereby you might come to know your Creator, to love and serve Him.

My families, your lives emerged out of His immeasurable love. Your faith emerged from His insatiable thirst for your love. Nurture this sublime gift! Guard it! With it, you walk through the doorway to eternity. Through it, you come to know your Mother and are enabled to accept the intimacy that I call all My children to enjoy.

My families, faith is the life of your souls and the light by which you know and love God. Allow it to embue your soul, your family. In its' Light, run to your waiting Mother so that I can be for you all that a Mother can be!

I love you, My families. I long for you to know the Heart of your Mother.

02-03-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE We must open our souls to God's Grace

My Chosen Cenacle,

Your Mother has visited your earth, and moves among Her children. And what has She found! - Dried, parched and desolate land! My children, utter desolation is what I have found upon the earth! But - out of the wasteland of sin - emerges a brilliant remnant - Dwelling places for the Lord, that I, myself have called, that I, Myself, am forming and nurturing to become fitting Tabernacles for the King!

Yes, Beloved, the soul created by God was meant to be a Paradise unto the Lord. The habitation of the soul was meant to flower into a universe of peace and love - a Tabernacle, housing the God who created it.

Instead, Your Mother has come only to find so many souls that are dried up, devoid of the buds of virtue - no life - desolate and alone - without their God! (as planets without life!)

Amidst the desolation, there remains a remnant of souls, universes of God - whose souls have opened to God's Grace - who have turned toward the sun and bask in its' life-giving Light. These souls are gardens of Eden where God's friendship thrives and where He lavishes therein His Divine Intimacies. The fragrant flowers of virtue abound in such souls. These beautiful souls have become fountains of living waters in the desolation in which they dwell.

You, My chosen cenacles around the world, are becoming life- giving springs for the dried up, parched land. You will be the means by which God calls forth many of the dead back to life. He will raise up many dead bones and cloth them in the flesh of His Grace because of your faithfulness. He needs you, My Beloved! It is because His faithful Remnant, His gardens of beauty, that His Hand of Justice has been held back.

But the world cries out for His Justice! The world needs to be purified so that it will be once again a place of beauty and virtue and holiness. It must again be a place where all will grow together in universal brotherhood under the one, true King! Where there was once desolation and ashes, life will burst forth. Truth and Justice will shine like the sun. Peace and harmony will reign upon the land that had been ravaged by hatred and wars. The stench of sin will dissipate and the fragrance of God's Grace will pervade the land once again. The world cries out for this cleansing, My children. But first, the seeds of life must be cast upon the parched land. The springs of life-giving waters must rain upon them. This work, My Cenacles, I share with you.

Come with Me into your ravaged world. Together we will sow the seeds of Truth and water them by our prayers. God will be glorified and His reign established by your YES.

I love you immeasurably!

02-07-93 FAMILY ROSARY We must keep our families focused on God in our lives

My chosen families,

Wait upon the Lord for all things and rest in His Loving Arms. I have come that you might know the peace of the Lord as it exists fully in living in His Presence.

Satan wishes to entice families away from God's peace as it is found by living His Commandments. For all of God's benefits, Satan has formulated its' counterfeit. Where there is family unity, found through the living out of Christian family values, Satan sows seeds of division aimed at confounding priorities in the home.

Where there is love, Satan sows His potent seeds of lust. Where there is truth, Satan sows seeds of lies wrapped in attractive packages.

The seducer of Christian family living attempts, vehemently, to break apart God's strongest bonds of love on earth - those bonds of love in your homes.

I am here to keep your families focused on God in the ordinariness of your lives, in their triumphs and in their struggles.

Just as you, even in your humanness, know how to provide your children with the good things that will eventually lead to their ultimate good and strength of character, so, too, does your God, who knows all thing, provide for you, His Beloved, all that is necessary for your eternal good.

I am with you to provide the enlightenment necessary for you to make sound choices for your family in these days of confusion and darkness. Grasp My chain of predilection! Place them in the hands of your children. Through it, grace abounds and enlightenment prevails. Remember, My families, all that glitters is not gold. The counterfeit of God's graces are not always easy to identify. Great are God's benefits to those who acknowledge His Love and, proceeding from that Love, His Mother, whom He has sent to you to Light your way Home.

I am with you, My Beloved families.

02-10-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE Our security comes through our 'yes' to God

My Chosen Cenacle,

Even though legions are assembled against you, even though you walk through this world through a dark valley of death and destruction, I am with you - bearing you up. Even though the security, however fleeting, however fragile - that you have known in the world, should crumble, I am with you securing you in faith, hope and love.

Even though the worlds' contradictions, a sign of your times, assail you and you find yourselves befuddled with questions without answers, I am with you bearing Jesus to you whose love never changes - whose laws and promises remain immovable and irreproachable.

I wish you to remain firm and constant in your 'yes' to God - both in strength and in brokenness. I am here to ground you in true peace - a peace that can only come from a deep sense of God's ever-abiding presence and a knowledge of His constant Love for you. This peace of which I speak is, My Beloved, your only security!

The ingenuity of man - his cleverness, his sophistication - have gone full circle and he finds himself far worse now. He is destitute - despite his technology! He has arrived! - at the dead end of his egocentric path of modern advancement.

O, how deceived men have become! The further away from God's will he has traveled, the more desolate he has become! Modern society has become ravaged by the disease of sin and cannot find his way back to God alone! The godless world is spiritually at deaths' door with little or no indication of vital life signs. My Cenacle, the godless today are in grave danger of loosing their immortal souls.

I call upon you, My Cenacle, to love with and through the heart of your Mother. We cannot abandon even one soul to the nether world. We must energize the godless and sinful world with our love - by way of My Peace Plan.

These are the early stages of the birth pangs that will give birth to a new Era of Peace. The pains that will eventually expel the evil forces controlling my children will be severe. But you, My chosen, must neither dwell on the pains, nor the losses; neither must you give in to fear. I am the Daystar that has arisen in the East to forewarn and forearm! I come clothed with the sun so that the door to God's Mercy be illuminated.

My children, My children - enter now and avoid the consequences of the exchange of power as the Door becomes the exit for God's Justice!

02-16-93 Message Mary's invitation a third time

My Faithful Daughter,

How sorry I am that our adversary has been annoying you these past days! Pray, daughter, and God will dispel the darkness. Use your blessed sacramentals! His power shall decrease over you. I am with you. I love you unconditionally. Do not be afraid to call on Me, your true and ever-faithful, devoted Mother! Be at rest. I have called you back to Medjugorje - our mecca of peace, the dispensary and treasury of grace for your time. I am asking you to devote your week to intense prayer - for unbelievers, for peace in hearts - to prepare souls for what is to come! Make of your week a retreat with Me, your retreat master. I shall conduct your soul to a special place within My Heart - a place where your prayers will be a most efficacious offering to God on behalf of yourself, your loved ones and the whole Church. My protective Mantle shall enfold you every mile of your journey. Do not worry, then. Be filled with God's peace which is that deep joy which comes from abiding in His presence and knowing that His love is manifold. His love casts out all fear. I am calling the strongest of my army together in Medjugorje. I, myself, will instruct them, strengthen them, prepare them for front-line battles that will begin to rage as never before on all fronts. Be attentive to My voice and the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Cast all your cares upon my feet and give your hearts to God completely. Come, My faithful, chosen ones, come. I will meet you at the gate of the Holy City and be your spiritual guide. I will send signal graces to you. I shall come to you. As a testimony of my allegiance and the seriousness of My call - this message will be delivered to all after the occasion of My visit. My daughter, hold this in secrecy until the appointed hour. Distribute it at my prompting in Medjugorje in April of l993. All will unfold according to God's Plan as I have revealed to my messengers. This will serve as a testimony of My presence among you, the seriousness of My call and the urgency with which I am pleading.

02-17-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE Faith upon earth was meant to take root in the heart's of God's children

My Cenacle,

Each day unfolds as a flower. Its' fragrance, its' beauty lasts but just a short time. The flower, after it has its' season dries up, droops and falls to the earth. Its' seed carries on the life of the flower in the next season. The flower, therefore, is eternal.

Like the life of the flower, Faith upon the earth was meant to take root in the hearts of God's children in every generation, springing forth life and spreading its' fragrance every day, every hour, every second, while Faith has its' season.

My Cenacle, The season for Faith is almost ended. The season for sight is on the horizon. My Children, where is the true faith among God's children? Where have all the flowers gone? True faith today has been watered down to the point of being nullified! The true faith has been packaged in neat, organized boxes by the modern day Scribes and Pharisees, leaving no possibility for the breath of the Holy Spirit to enter providing its' life, its' fragrance, and its' beauty!

What will My Son find upon the earth today? Theologians! Scripture scholars!, well trained parrots who pay Him lip service! But will He find the True Faith - as fresh as the morning, as old as well seasoned wine, as fragrant and beautiful as the rose!?

Among you, My little flowers - He shall find it! But you must persevere, you must pray and not allow yourselves to be fooled! Many are being used today by God - to prepare and to forewarn. But many are being used by God's enemy, under the guise of good, - to confuse, to scatter and to destroy the flock, the true faith. Do not be fooled by people and organizations whose aim is to divide and alienate! Do not pay any heed to the self-righteous, self appointed hypocrites who would like to pass themselves off as the anointed ones of God. Rather, pray for them as well as those they oppose. Satan is craftily weaving a web in which many well meaning souls have become ensnared. Pray for them, My Cenacle. Pray for the priests who so easily give in to compromises! My Beloved, grave errors come right on the heels of compromise. Pray for them, My Faithful ones. Do not judge. Pray for unbelievers! O, what suffering awaits them!

Lastly, My Chosen ones, always X out your own feelings and will. Rather, seek God's will in all things and cling to the true gifts of Faith, Hope and Love. Let all else, especially signs and wonders, blow away with the wind. Because God gives and God takes away according to the greater good of your immortal souls, for your sanctification and His Glory. What He will never take from you while you live on earth is, Faith, Hope and Love. When He calls for your soul, the only baggage you shall carry is Love!

02-24-93 ASH WEDNESDAY We must take full advantage of the graces of Lent

My Chosen Cenacle,

As the Church embarks upon the journey to the Heart of the Father through the Passion of Jesus, I invite you, My army, to live this time as though the fate of the whole world depended upon how well you utilize the grace of this season! I am with you to help you take full advantage of every grace being offered to you during this time.

My children, entrust yourselves to your Mother at this time. Your prayers and sacrifices are most efficacious before God when joined to the Passion of His Son!

My children, the wretched, sinful world needs your Lent lived fully and lived well - under My guidance and My protection. Lay aside self-will as never before. Desire only the Divine Will - that is - the sanctification of the world!

As you are marked with the Blessed Ashes, a symbol of the fate of all earthly goods, be assured that all is rapidly perishing, all is deteriorating from the corruption of sin. Take up the banner of prayer, fast, sacrifice and conversion this day and carry it fastidiously throughout Lent. Help Me, My Cenacle, to retard the corruption spreading like an untamed fire upon the earth.

I wish My chosen ones to create an oasis of grace amidst the desert of sin:

- through the mortification of your senses.

- through your prayers, especially Holy Mass and the rosary.

- through the love issuing forth from you as a result of the God-Life within you that I,

Myself am nurturing.

Accept the grace of Lent, My Beloved, as the precious gem that it is. Accept the grace of Lent as though it were the last. Accept the grace of Lent as though your own children depended upon your living well this grace - for their very lives!

I assure you, out of the ashes of corruption, shall sprout buds of life in the new season that is approaching - buds of life, the seeds from the grace you have secured by living well this Season of Blessed Grace!

02-28-93 FAMILY ROSARY Perfect love, learn the life of the Gospel of Jesus

My Dear Families,

I Invite you to accept the Grace of Lent. Live it fully and through this grace I will lead you into deeper regions of Perfect Love.

Entrust to Me your families, your prayers and sacrifices during Lent. I will help you discover the deeper meaning of love, the true manner of the Gospel - within your homes.

Perfect love encompasses all the virtues, the totality of the Gospel of Jesus. As you prepare to enter into the Passion and Death of My Son, I will pour forth abundant and rich graces upon your families. I wish you to discover perfect love within your homes - a love that embraces a sacrificial, self-giving. It involves an abandonment of self-will for the good of others. Jesus Christ, in His Passion and Death, is your Model for perfect love. Imitate Him, My families, in the way you love one another! You will find happiness and deep peace in giving yourselves to one another.

I wish to rescue you from the counterfeit of true love! So many of you scramble through your days in a maze of tensions, isolation and miserable self-interests. You deprive yourselves of true love, the fresh air of the Holy Spirit. My families, so many of God's children are walking corpses. I have come to bring you life - the fresh air of love.

Satan has fooled so many into accepting love's counterfeit - which is a me-centered pleasure pursuit. I am here to point you to Jesus - the way of love and life - through His Passion. He is a sign of contradiction because His way seems long and arduous but leads to Eternal Life. Satan's counterfeit follows the path of least resistance but leads to death.

My families, choose the way of prayer and sacrifice. Choose life! Those who cling to life in this world will surely loose it, but those who give up their lives for the sake of Love, will find it - forever! Walk the way of sacrifice in the desert of life together - as family. Discover together the life of the gospels. I walk this way with you.

03-03-93 Message A warning

My daughter, How much I have loved you! You are the apple of my eye. I have sent My Son to you. If you had been the only one - still - I would have sent Him to rescue you! I sent Him to you as a Savior. I send Him as your Eternal Spouse. Soon, I shall send Him as your final Liberator - as your King. You must prepare for His triumphal entry back to earth! Prepare well, My daughter. Do not dwell on the past - which is gone and long forgotten by your Father. Let go of past sins and be free - free to move into tomorrow carrying only flasks filled with prayer and sacrifices. Remain awake and fully preoccupied with your God. My child, repentant hearts I will not scorn. But the pride of unrepentant hearts will be squelched. I have had enough! My cup of wrath is overflowing. The trumpets of justice sound. All of heaven trembles as the angels of justice take their places to administrate the final purging. There is little time for My angels of Mercy to illuminate the darkness of sin. There is little time for my chosen agents on earth to sow seeds of life, by their prayers and sacrifices among so many weeds. Be filled before the Sun of Mercy. Nourish yourself at the Eternal Banquet Table. I have sent my favored daughter, The Immaculate Virgin Mother of Jesus into the world to arouse her beloved children. This great favor will be withdrawn in the day of justice. The church will be crucified; but will resurrect. A remnant will spring forth from the ashes and re-establish the unified Church under the Headship of Jesus Christ. I have anointed you for this mighty mission. You shall raise a portion of the prevailing remnant who will remain steadfast. You shall cling to the Eucharist and follow the light of your Mother. Your lamps shall be filled with prayer, penance's and love of neighbor. The birth pangs that will bring new life to the Church have begun. There will be earthquakes, floods and famines in many parts of the world. There will be an economic collapse in your country. Diseases will take their course. All false securities will be shaken to their foundations. The whole world will know that the Omnipotent God is the only security - the Source of Life for all that exists. There will be decadence within the Church. All that is Sacred will be the object of Satan's particular wrath. It will appear that Satan will have triumphed over the Church. The Eucharist will be attacked most violently and desecrated on a large scale. Priests will suffer and die as they defend the Sacred Host. All who enter churches will be attacked - in every corner of the globe. Satan's agents are everywhere. His hatred for My Son, the Innocent Lamb will become evident once again. Churches will be forced underground - even in this country. Many will loose their lives in defense of the true church. Many of you will loose your homes. Many will know hunger and thirst. Violence and wars will be prevalent everywhere! People will become savage in an attempt to survive! The world as you know it, having arrived at the pinnacle of technological advancement will crumble - a modern day tower of Babel. The strong, My anointed few, will become stronger. They will rise up as pillars in the sand. Many will cling to them. The weak will whither and die. Satan will walk the earth masked in human form. Many will be deceived! But My chosen will know him! He will strike vehemently at them - My anointed - but they will become stronger! The Power of the Holy Spirit will rise within them. My chosen will always triumph over evil. You, My daughter, are my chosen one. You will know suffering. But I will be with you in your suffering. You shall be filled to overflowing with grace and power from on high. You shall carry the cross of the whole church, along with those around the world that have been likewise marked for this mission. You shall carry your cross in joy and great peace. I shall place before you the image of the final victory - which will be yours. I will place within you the knowledge of the fleeting moments of suffering in comparison to the immeasurable length of your reign with the Trinity in glory. I will place within you supernatural fortitude to endure. Your Mother will be your constant companion. St. Michael shall be your defender in battle. Your angels shall be your consolation. My daughter, you are in the palm of my hand! You shall overcome! (and many with you) Do not be anxious regarding these events. I have warned. My Spotless Daughter has forearmed. You shall offer to Me through the Spotless Hands of Mary, your retreat upon the Holy Grounds, for the intentions of all that has been revealed to you. I shall fortify you and influx you with graces sufficient for the mission. I shall bring the grace of conversion to your entire household. You are Mine! I send you forth to do My bidding - to victory! The events foretold shall begin in the current year, their intensity will heighten and last for seven years. The Virgin Church shall arise - Spotless and shimmering - ready to greet Her Spouse - Jesus, King of all Nations. You, My sons and daughters of the new remnant, shall be saints glorified for all Eternity.

03-03-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE A treasury of graces to dispense among My children

My Chosen Cenacle,

I come before you - sorrowful and so weary - because of all the lost graces. Almighty God has granted Me a treasury of graces to dispense among My children. Gifts of life and treasures of His Love I bring you. Most efficacious are these Godly treasures; especially during Lent! My many graces are wrapped in gold during this Holy Season!

But they lie untouched - discarded - as though they were junk! So many purifiers to make the world a better place, a cleaner place in which to live. Instead, so many prefer to live in stench, in disorder, in utter filth! - ignoring Me and My Treasure Chest of beauty.

You, My chosen ones, must extend your hearts - even further - to avail yourselves of My Graces - lest they be lost forever! You must take and drink of the life-giving waters in abundance - even in excess - to atone for those who still reject Me, ignore My presence in the world and still spit upon My Son with the venom of Satan whose sting is continuously injecting so many souls.

The day is fast approaching when God will close My Treasury of unused graces. Sadly, I will turn and walk away from all those who desire Me not. My children, do not let your Mother leave this world with a storehouse filled with rejected gifts! Use them. Nourish yourselves with them. Spread them around the infected earth - so that light may shine once again in the darkness. Spread My graces around so that the fragrance of Heaven will overcome the stench of sin once again. Use them, My Beloved, in this hour of God's favor. For the day will come when I must turn and walk away from the darkened earth. So many will not have recognized the hour of their visitation. So many will not have availed themselves of My treasures.

Use them, My favored ones. Spread them. Although I shall Mother you always - the hour of your visitation is quickly slipping away!

03-10-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE The graces bestowed upon the world during Lent afford it the greatest merit

My Dear Cenacle,

I exhort you to live fully your consecration to your Heavenly Mother in these days of grace. The graces bestowed upon the world during Lent afford it the greatest merit. Live your consecration well, My Children! Entrust everything into My Hands. No sacrifice is too small for your Mother to use to bring about conversions. Go about your daily tasks with a sacrificial spirit and with great love! If you only knew, My children, how great the blessing for the least sacrifice made with love. I know best how to utilize your offerings to bring about the greatest good.

My Cenacle, these are Godless times! Corrupt times! All is in a state of confusion and disarray. My children are wandering around in a state of oblivion ready to follow the many faces of Anti-Christ.

Power-possessed leaders of government will say, "Look here! I will rescue you from economic disaster." Another sect will say, "look here! my products will save you from your maladies." Yet another, will say, "Look at me! Be enlightened and free from political, social and personal bondage's." My poor children follow all the false messiahs. And yet, they are neither secure, nor free, nor are they delivered from their woes!

My chosen ones, you know that you are living amidst grave dangers. You know that Satan's tracks are everywhere! Please take seriously My pleas for prayer and sacrifice - which will nullify evil; especially during these days of Lent. Alone, My children, you will stumble in the darkness and loose your way.

I invite you again to clasp My hand ever so tightly by means of your consecration to My Heart. When you begin to hear in your own life experiences the many voices of the false messiahs - "Look - there is the christ. Follow this way and your life will be made easier", you will not be deceived! Your hand will be in your Mothers! I will point you in the direction of the sure path - the Way of The Cross. Together we will travel this way of rocks and thorns. When you stumble and fall, I will be with you to pick you up again saying to you, "Look, My child, there is the Lamb of God, your Jesus, the only Christ, the only way to your Father.

Follow, My Beloved, the sure way, the Way of the Cross. Be not deceived by the illusion of Its' finality. Just around the bend - beyond the pain - awaits Eternal Life.

03-7-93 & 3-14-93 Family Rosary I desire to bring you to an appreciation of Grace, the gift of God's Love

My Dear Families, I desire to bring you to an appreciation of Grace, the gift of God's Love. Once you love the higher gifts, sanctifying grace will begin to flow in steady streams - transforming your hearts and your homes. The Sanctifier dwells within your hearts and within your homes. God wishes to transform your lives into a reflection of Heavens' own glory! My families, this transformation takes place from within and works its' way outward. God wishes to transform your homes into a paradise of His Peace. O, that the whole world would know of His transforming Love! But the world has not responded to it. His action of Grace is met with chilled indifference - a silent freeze. Instead of gardens of peace, homes remain prisons of turmoil. My families, you are children of a King! Your homes should be and can be little dominions where His Kingdom reigns on earth! Why do you still cling to your own strong wills and self interests at the price of this heavenly peace? My families, I wish to lead you to a love for virtue and all that is holy. As God's adopted sons and daughters, you are called to a most sublime dignity! Indeed, He looks upon you and calls you His Beloved in whom He is well pleased. God's love is transforming. Allow It to transform your hearts and homes into an extension of His Kingdom on earth. I am with you dispensing His transforming grace especially during these days of Lent.

03-17-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE I weep! For the Body of My Son is broken.

My Dear Cenacle,

My children, my dear children! I come before you heavily laden with sorrow. The dam holding back My tears is bursting! I weep, My Beloved, I weep! For the Body of My Son is broken! Mankind's' repeated rejection of God has called down so much misery upon the earth. Tribulation is descending upon the good and the bad alike. The cancer of Selfishness and egoism is choking the Body of My Son on earth! The life-breath of love is being cut off. See His Body as it gasps for air! See His Body growing colder and colder as its' life is being cut off. The Body of My Son on earth is broken! My Cenacle, your Sorrowful Mother stood beneath the Cross of Jesus as He grew weaker and weaker. He labored and struggled to take His last breaths on earth. In agony, I stood by as He convulsed - unable to inhale another breath! O, that I could have breathed into His torn Body the breath of My life and my love! But no, it was not meant to be so. Death engulfed Him; His Body cold. Jesus' Humanity - the Ultimate Sacrifice! In horror and in agony, from the foot of the cross, I watch His Body on Earth slowly dying - The soul gasping for the life breath of the Holy Spirit. His Body on earth has grown cold with indifference to God's precepts and His Love. His Body on earth - rigid and immovable toward the Will of God. His Body on earth - set firm in the mire of sin! My Cenacle, nature and the elements will convulse the earth in an effort to clear the passageway to God - to life! Will My children then be shaken out of their lifeless sleep? God's Mighty Arm will raise over the deplorable earth in an attempt to save the Soul of the Body of Christ on earth. The Body of My Son is broken and lies pitifully upon its' cross gasping for air. I have called forth generous souls to help Me inject with graces the Body of Christ on earth. My Cenacle, breathe into His Body the fresh air of your prayers and sacrifices. Breathe into the Body acts of kindness and love. Wherever you see brokenness - bind up, heal with generous acts of love. My Cenacle, I need you! The Body of Jesus is broken.

03-24-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE Praise and thanksgiving to God for his enduring faithfulness to His children on earth

My Dear Cenacle,

I invite you to ascend the mountain of praise with Me, your Mother, on the Eve of My Fiat - the Incarnation of Jesus, your Liberator. Let us offer Praise and thanksgiving to God for His enduring faithfulness to His children on earth. I invite you to reflect on God's immense Love and the Providential care with which He planted the Seed of your Redemption within the fertile soil of My Womb.

In hiddenness and in silence, God's mighty Work grew - for you, for a cold and indifferent world.

O, Miracle of miracles - God, the Almighty, the Alpha and the Omega - took on the lowly form of the people whom He so loves! O, Wonder all Wonders - living inside this lowly body, so that your people might know you, and love you and serve you! O Great and Mighty God, who am I that You chose this humble dwelling place as your first home? O Hidden God, within My womb, magnify My soul so that I might be the window through which the whole world behold your Glory!

In praise and thanksgiving, join with Me in profound thanksgiving to God for the precious gift of life. My 'yes' to God, My 'yes' to life - resounds around the world, down through every generation, opening the door of Salvation to every human being.

Praise Him and thank Him, My Cenacle, for His wonders never cease! The Flame of His Love will never be extinguished!

I call upon you to continue to echo My yes in a world who does not respond to the Love of their Creator. Be bearers of life and love today for the salvation of a world sinking in the mire of sin. God needs your yes! Allow Him to plant the graces of conversion within your hearts. Live My messages. They are seeds of life that grow in hiddenness and in silence for your sakes and for the sake of the whole world.

Imitate Me, My Beloved Sons and daughters. My 'Yes' brought forth the Light of the world. Yours will, too!

Ascend with Me the Mountain of Praise! You, My Consecrated Ones, are the Light of the World - whom the darkness will not overcome.

03-31-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE Mary is here to lead us to the Heart of Jesus

My Dear Cenacle,

In this crucial hour, I am with you to lead you to the Heart of Jesus, your Deliverer. Times of trial are upon you. Mankind's' sinfulness has called down great distress upon the land. O, how contrary to God's infinite Plan for His world is this present predicament! The earth was meant to be a veritable Paradise for His people - a gift meant to image God's goodness and immeasurable love for His creatures! The earth was meant to bear witness to God's own loveliness. All living things were meant to revere their Creator. The good fruit of the earth springs forth from the seeds of God's Bounty. But man has abused God's marvelous gifts and made of His Paradise, a cesspool of sin and corruption.

My children, why are you destroying your beautiful planet? Can you not see God's imprint everywhere? Can you not see His Might in the roaring of the sea? - His splendor in the beauty of a sunset? Can you not feel His breath in the freshness of a spring morning? Are you not captivated with Him who created the endless firmament? Can you not see His Face in the intricately woven flower, the majestic mountain ranges and the burst of color in the autumn trees? Yes, the Divine Architect, the Master Craftsman provided well for you, My children! My Beloved, remember that you are creatures of the Almighty. Creatures that have been exalted to the status of sons and daughters of the Mighty God! All earthly creation has been entrusted into your care. My dear ones, have you forgotten your creature hood? God's good gifts - both spiritual and temporal - have been trampled underfoot. And Satan is having his day, his last laugh - as though God's Blood had been spilled in vain! Yes, My Cenacle, distress has come upon the land of the walking dead. The world cries for peace when there is no peace to be found.

You, My Cenacle, have acknowledged God's supremacy over your hearts. Therefore, He will deliver you from your distress. He has sent Me to show you the way to peace. I have come to you as your Queen of Peace to bring you to the true Peace - the Prince of Peace. I have not come to bring you to peace on the earth - for there is no true peace to be found upon the globe. I have come to bring you Jesus Christ - your true peace - and to His Reign in your heart.

Allow Me, your Queen of Peace - to help you discover the interior life of your soul - the deepest region of your heart - that guest home created by God for Himself alone. I wish to lead each one of you to that void in your heart that only God can fill - to perfect peace, despite the raging tempest in the world.

03-21-93 & 4-4-93 FAMILY ROSARY Make of your families a shelter for your God

My Dear Families,

O, my families, if you would find My Son in the recesses of your homes, you would have found a treasure which no earthly calamity could shake. If you knew My Son with your hearts, you would never betray His Love. Satan deceives many who call themselves Jesus' followers. These pay Him outward homage, but so easily sell out to Satan.

My families, My Son is exhausted from love of you! But yet, being God, His love is inexhaustible. Listen to My Voice when I say to you that God is real. God is good and He is tired! Tired of rejection! Make of your families - a shelter for your God! He is so weary!

Keep your places in the watchtower of prayer. Never relax in keeping your Rosary vigils, As the arrows of God's justice speed toward the earth, I, your Mother am tirelessly preparing you for victory. As I lavishly pour forth transforming grace upon your families, open wide the receptacles of your heart to receive them.

My dear parents, you have a grave responsibility! Prepare your little ones, God's precious innocents, for a new era - an era of peace! Nurture their spirits. Teach them - lead them to the truth. Teach them of the deceptions and snares set for them by the enemy. Teach them, my parents, just as I am teaching you.

Cultivate for your children - Faith, Hope and Love - their only security. Prepare them well for the establishment of Jesus Kingship upon the earth.

Keep your places in the watchtower of prayer so that all the designs I have upon your families might be fulfilled!

04-07-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE We must drink from the bitter cup of our salvation

My Dear Cenacle,

I come to you tonight with outstretched hands bearing my Immaculate Heart and the bitter cup of your salvation. You are about to enter the three most solemn, somber days of the Church year. I invite you to enter these days of your Pasch - the remembrance of your Passover from slavery to freedom - with seriousness - for the hour is very serious! Behold my Immaculate Heart beating, throbbing at a quickened pace because it has been opened anew from the swords of many evils that cause My children much pain.

My children, I know it is a mystery - difficult for you to understand. Even though I reign - united in glory with the Blessed Trinity - I am still in great sorrow for My Beloved on earth.

Will you, My Cenacle, drink from the bitter cup of your salvation? Will you press it to your lips? - by accepting with docility, the crosses of your lives, by accepting with docility the challenge of your mission.

I have called you forth for Mission. You have been marked and sealed for God's service. My Beloved, the Redemption opened for every human being the doorway to Heaven. A place is being prepared for all the elect who have accepted the invitation. Until the number of elect is fulfilled, the suffering will continue. You are my laborers in the vineyard. Help your Mother to gather all of the RSVP's. The number of the elect must be fulfilled!

My cenacle, the greatest sermon ever told was from the Cross. I can add not a word to it. Enter, with seriousness, into the Good Friday Passion. Listen and hear it with the heart - with seriousness!

04-11-93 FAMILY ROSARY Abundant life flows from the treasury of graces being dispensed upon My children whose hearts have opened to God

My Dear Families, ALLELUIA! I come to you in light and with great joy! Peace be with you, My families. Peace be upon your homes - for Jesus, My Son, Your Lord and Savior, your Brother - has Risen! He now dwells amoung you and has chosen you that you may enjoy abundant life in Him. Abundant life flows from the treasury of graces being dispensed upon My children whose hearts have opened to God - My children who have recognized the hour of their visitation! Live in His Resurrected Power, My families! Your homes should become little churches - havens of peace - outward signs of His Love and Mercy. Be His little sacraments today - so that the weary traveler - lost and without hope will find comfort and safety from the way that you love one another. Live as true witnesses to His Resurrection so that the weary traveler - lost and confused will find His way back through your living out your Sacrament well. My families, you have been raised to life with Christ. Set your hearts on enduring things of heaven and not on transitory things of earth. Live out your Sacrament well, My families - so that the outward signs of your faith and your love will bear witness to our Resurrected Jesus for the many weary travelers stumbling along lifes' journey without hope! Go in the peace and assurance that Jesus lives today in your heart, in your homes. He needs your homes, your little churches to be beacons that pierce the darkness - witnessing to the fact that Jesus has been raised from the dead, sits at the right hand of the Father and shall come back to raise all who have believed to share in His Glory! Alleluia, My Beloved! Trust and Believe!

04-14-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE An army gathered by Mary to fight the ferocious battle for souls

My Chosen Cenacle,

Look around your world and see the debris of sin scattered everywhere! Like stagnant, contaminated pools of water, the effects of sin cover the land! Satan's tracks have been left everywhere, leaving behind gaping holes of misery. He and his legions prowl about the earth seeking to destroy God's mastery. But his reign of terror nears culmination - its' highest degree of destruction.

The army that I have gathered and prepared fight courageously, along side of their mother and the heavenly warriors, this ferocious battle for souls. God has cast His Divine Light upon you, My Cenacle. As you continue to fight the mighty battle against evil, God's golden hue will shine forth from you. All who see you, will see and recognize Jesus' own Spirit emanating from within you. Those who have been seduced by Satan will hate you and hurl every sort of slander against you. Your persecution will not come from the sword, will not be in blood, rather, it will consist of your continued courageous defense of the true faith as laid down by Jesus who, Himself, is the cornerstone of His Church. Your defense of the true faith will become exceedingly difficult in the days to come. Many religious will seek to nullify via, contaminated theology, the truth. The Word of God will be cast aside by many who will have adopted their own distorted religion. Satan's fools will cleverly justify change in the Church. Confusion will increase and cover the Church like a shroud of black smoke.

My Beloved, now is the time to pick up the inspired Word of God as your shield. Now is the time to arm yourselves with Truth. Saturate yourselves with seeds from the Word; water them with prayer. Now is the time to pick up the sword of truth and pierce the veil of mediocrity and error!

Take up your weapons of prayer, fast, sacrifice and the Word of God. Raise them high, despite opposition. I am with you in this battle. The Risen Jesus is with you. He goes before you, prepares a place in glory for those of you who hold fast to the truth you have witnessed through the eyes of faith.

The climactic hour of the great purification of My Son's Church is upon you, hold fast, My Beloved, hold fast to the Truth.

05-05-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE My cenacles are preparing the world for the greatest triumph of good over evil

My Chosen Cenacle,

Like flowers releasing their fragrance and unfolding their beauty in hiddenness, so, too, are My cenacles unfolding in the garden of My Heart. My cenacles are preparing the world for the greatest triumph of good over evil since the Crucifixion of Jesus. The seeds of prayer and sacrifice are blooming within you producing the fruit that will nourish starved souls.

My Beloved, all comes to you from the immense chasm of God's Love. All benefits issue forth from this endless chasm of Love. My presence among you, the graces that pour forth from the wellspring of My Heart - ALL, My children, emerge from God's Infinite Love.

Love, by its' very essence, demands a response - a return of Love for Love! You, My Cenacle, are that response to Love's goodness. Love asks you to empty yourselves to be filled with Love's own Spirit. Love asks you to respond to all life's experiences, both good and bad - with love, always repaying bad with good! - thus never diminishing or tarnishing God's own Spirit within you which is Love itself!

My Cenacle, the source of every living thing has its' origin in God. Therefore, My little ones, begin to see the beauty in every living thing. Even those who are steeped in sin have their being in Love which is God! These unbelievers have been seduced by Satan and must be drawn back to their Love Source. You, My Cenacle, are the magnets which will draw them back to God - away from the malice of hate and into the only Good - the Infinite circle of Love. All have their being in Love - that is why you must love your enemies and befriend your persecutors. In the end, all will be one! All whom are saved, by God's design, will be one.

My children, how can you comprehend a Love that is Infinite, an all-encompassing love, a love that harbors no prejudices, a love that forgives the most heinous of crimes?

My Cenacle, your richest fruit, your most fragrant, most beautiful harvest must be Love. Love, it shall be that will arouse the sleepers, melt the cold heart and enkindle the fire that will eradicate sin from the face of the earth. Love, My cenacle, will endure all things to the end. Love of God and neighbor must be the energy that drives you onward in the sublime mission entrusted to you - for God's glory and the salvation of sinners.

05-09-93 MOTHER'S DAY I will tell them through the heart of a mother

From the very beginning, the heart of a mother was created to be a hallowed repository that would encase all the secret treasures of the purest love the world will ever know -the universal Love of the Creator for His creatures!

As God smiles upon His children, He whispers through a Mothers' Heart the many sweet secrets of His love.

"How will My children ever know of My joy as I behold My own image imprinted upon their souls? I shall tell them of my joy through the heart of a mother.

"And how will they ever know with what great pride I gaze upon them as they grow ever more closely to My image. What pride as I watch them spreading my warmth and my healing all over their broken world! What pride I have for them as they grow in love for Me and for their brothers and sister. I will tell them of My pride - I will tell them through the heart of a mother!

"How will my children ever know of my long-suffering as I patiently await their return? How shall they know that My love for them will endure to the end - that my love is patient, understanding and kind? And how will they know of my pain when they stray far away from me? How can I tell them that I love them, "Come back to Me." I know a way I can say all of this and more! I'll say it through the heart of a Mother.

My Beloved, I have created a mothers' heart to know joy and pride. It knows sorrow and pain and untainted love. The heart of a Mother is enduring and kind, understanding and compassionate. It knows love! I have entrusted all of the attributes of My Godliness within the reliquary of a Mothers' Heart.

My children, I have searched the heavens to find a way to tell you how much I have loved you. I found the way - through the heart of a mother, the silhouette of My own!

05-12-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE Hold fast to prayer and sacrifice

My Cenacle,

As your Mother, I exhort you to hold fast to prayer and sacrifice. Hold fast, my children, to your faith! The times in which you are living are times of confusion and turmoil. I am with you to keep you strong and safe under the shield of my mantle. My children, if I were to lift my mantle from you, many of you would flounder. Many would blow away with the wind.

Satan wishes to enter your very souls with the confusion and turmoil spreading like a cancer. You must not leave yourselves open to his resolute wickedness. Do not be lulled into complacency nor become inattentive to my messages.

My children, only those who persevere to the end shall be saved. Good resolutions are not enough! The tempter wishes to strike at your resolutions and send them crumbling to the ground. You must follow the path of faith right to the end of your life. Your path of faith must be paved with prayer, sacrifice and good works done with great love for God. Your path of faith will often be overcome in a mist of unknowing, often engulfed in a cloud of doubt. Your path of faith will often be strewn with thorns.

My Beloved, I know the many obstacles that often overcome you! I will not leave you orphans. You are never alone on your journey. I offer you the jewels of your faith. The Church will be your anchor, the sacraments, your guideposts. Prayer, penance will dissipate the fog of confusion, the clouds of doubt.

Your faith is God's gift to you. Be aware that your lives, lived in love, day by day will unveil God's gift of faith for you. My Cenacle, let your lives be the unfolding of the wondrous miracle of Faith.

I am with you.

05-23-93 Family Rosary Bear patiently and lovingly with one another!

My Dear Families,

Bear patiently and lovingly with one another! Your lives spent together are quickly vanishing. Time changes all things. Like the flowers on the vine, your lives on earth wither and die.

I am with you as your model of patience and of love. Do I not bear patiently with you? Do I not wait patiently for your response to My message of conversion? And do I not love you with an immeasurable, unfailing love?

Tolerate the trials that come your way with love and confidence in my maternal protection and with unwavering trust in God. What you bear out of love, for the sake of God will be multiplied in virtue and grace and returned to you. God will relieve you of all your trials apportionate to what is good for the life of your souls.

Families suffer so today from isolation, unforgiveness and overexposure to the poisonous venom that hovers over the earth like a shroud.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit that you all have received will give you wings to help you rise above this dangerous, thick cloud of evil. I am with you to light the way through your drudgery, through your discouragement, through this cloud of evil that hangs over all creation today.

Follow My Light! I will lead you, My dear families, to the Gift of your redemption, to Jesus and to the Giver of the Gift, your Father. I wish to lead you to the Source of Life - the One, Supreme God.

05-26-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE Always walk in the light of the Gospel

My Chosen Cenacle,

Be my obedient children! So many have turned a deaf ear to my pleading. So many will forfeit their inheritance for less than 30 pieces of silver. How many in their arrogance cannot believe that God would choose the simple and the lowly to make manifest His power and His simple plan of salvation for a fallen world. It is for these, My fallen children, for whom I pray and cry an endless stream of tears.

Be my obedient children who will comfort your Mother with your Rosaries. Satan would have you grow weak and fainthearted in your endeavors to help your Mother save the world. He would like to cast a spell over you so that you will not only lose your desire to pray and sacrifice, but will give up entirely all the good you do. He would like to spread a blackened hue over your light to smite the glow that your faith has cast over a darkened world! He would like to challenge your precious gift of faith with the material goods of this transitory world.

Be my obedient children! Always walk in the Light of the Gospel. My children of the Light, understand My role in the world today! God has chosen Me as He did before the world began to Incarnate His Living World in the Person of Jesus. He has chosen Me to Incarnate the Living Gospel message by raising an army of believers who would bear witness to His Word by their lives. You, My obedient children, are called to be the Incarnate Gospel Message - the Living Word today! You are called to give the Living Word flesh and to usher in It's fulfillment!

I have been chosen to be the Mediator between the Incarnate Living Word and My Faithful children on earth. Grace, which is the life of the Omnipotent God, has been entrusted to Me to dispense to Mankind. But my children must abandon themselves to me fully in order that I may form them into the Image of Jesus - by way of Grace. Abandon your lives into my care, obedient children! I am chosen to lead the world through it's final battle with the prince of this world to it's glorious, triumphal victory upon which the faithful will reign forever with the Trinity.

In obedience, then, hear my simple messages, children of my heart, and follow the call. I am with you.

06-09-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE I visit you in great distress because the True Faith is in great danger of extinction!

My Chosen Cenacle,

I visit you in great distress because the True Faith is in great danger of extinction! The Gospel message, the Living Word of God, has been misinterpreted, refashioned according to man's fancy - as evidenced by a lack of humility and man's inhumanity to his brother.

My cenacle, the embers of the true faith left alive upon the earth are in danger of being fanned out by the wind of complacency. I remain with you so long to prevent you from falling into the carefully set trap of complacency. As your ever present companion, I plead with you to renew, daily, your committment to prayer, to the gospel of Jesus Christ, who is your only Liberator. God's Mercy, as it flows forth from the five wounds of My Son, is your sure hope!

My Cenacle, attach yourselves to me as I lead you to God's perfect will for you as it issues forth from My messages to the world. They are not my words, dear ones, but they are God's words, His final hope for mankind in this dark age.

Your devotion must go beyond lip service. Genuine devotion consists in the personal attachment of your will to God's will. O, My Cenacle, where have all the true disciples of Jesus gone? Are they in the Churches preaching unequivocally the annointed words of Sacred Scripture? No, they are not in the churches! The words being preached all but nullify the essential meaning of the gospel. They are not bringing Jesus to life in the hearts of my children. A foreign, watered down interpretation of the gospel is being preached in your churches! Jesus remains corpse-like in the hearts of my children! Are the true disciples in the marketplace shining the light of faith among poor sinners, leading them out of their darkness? No, they are not in the marketplace. Utter darkness permeates there. Has their salt lost its flavor? Are the true disciples teaching the Word of God in schools? Are they bringing God's peace and consolation to the sick and the dying? Are they setting captives free? Too few, My Cenacle, too few of Jesus' true disciples left in the world of today. The ignorant remain ignorant of God's Love. The hungry die in their hunger. The despairing are left to their desolation - devoid of God's Light - because there are too few true disciples left! The captives of sin remain enslaved in their shackles. Where have all the true disciples gone?

You, My Cenacle, must do the job. You are called to be Jesus' Disciples. Live the gospel message through adherence to your Mother, the Church, through the sacraments and through prayer. Remain kind, patient and unselfish in all you do. Follow my counsel, My Beloved children. Jesus, your Liberator, is near - even at the door! Herald His coming with banners of prayer, penance and conversion.

06-16-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE Your heavenly Mother is preparing you like a mother prepararing her child for a grand debut

My Chosen cenacle,

Like a mother preparing her child for his grand debut, that is how your heavenly Mother is preparing you! The tender- hearted mother sees to it that every detail is scrupulously attended to so that the grand performance of her child will be flawless. The loving mother sees to it that the preliminary conditioning is brought to full fruition and that her child is ready to meet the coming challenges.

O My Beloved, how much more is your heavenly Mother laboring to make you ready for the most magnificent debut of your lives - the debut in which you will appear before the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords - your God! With meticulous care, I am with you clothing you in God's grace. With utmost urgency, I am calling you to holiness so that not one blemish remains on your garment. With great tenderness, I am weeding the garden of your heart so that no weeds be allowed to choke the fragrant flowers of virtue growing there.

In order to bring My work in you to its finest, I require the state of your souls to be that of spiritual childhood. You must trust Me as a little child trust its' mother as he or she places their little hand in hers and proceeds without the least resistance and with much trust. You must begin to live the life of my consecrated ones - without interpretation, without rationalization!

Like a mother who will not be perfectly satisfied to send her child off into the world until she has fully equiped him or her to face their future with confidence; I, too, will not be content until all of my children are fully prepared to confront the battles yet to be waged with trust. Trust Me, My children! I am attending to the condition of your soul so that I may present you to your King - unstained, without the least semblance of blemish!

06-23-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE You must persevere in following My call despite adversity

My Chosen Cenacle,

I am blessing you with the special grace of final perseverence. Great is this, God's gift to you. Thank Him for it. My little ones, you must persevere in following My call despite adversity. Trials and sufferings shall increase for you as the reign of My adversary continues to triumph. You must not loose heart, My Cenacle, under the weight of trials and temptations. Rather - turn whole-heartedly to God, to Me, your Mother. Turn whole-heartedly toward complete trust in these times.

I continually urge you to confidence, to trust and to take refuge in Me through your consecration to My Immaculate Heart. My children, you must understand that in these perilous hours before the triumph of My Immaculate Heart, your salvation is as fragile as the wings of a butterfly. The enemy's bow is poised and his arrows are aimed at your weakest points. You, my precious chosen, are his prey! You are the hunted and he lies in wait ready to strike like the slithering serpent that he is! That is why I am with you in this extraordinary manner to continually urge you to abide with me in confidence, in hope and in prayer.

Whole-hearted faith will be your shield against the cunning attacks of the serpent. Whole-hearted trust will be your defense against fear.

In humility and love, thank God for the treasury of His graces with which He lavishes you. Go forth in the perfume of My presence and immense love for you.

Do not lose heart, My chosen ones. I am with you. When you least expect it, I shall come among you illuminated in the heavenly light to pick up your downcast spirits and to fill you with joy and peace that always accompanies my visitation. Until then, walk in pure faith and desire nothing for yourselves except the Divine Will of God.

06-30-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE He desires your Love, My Cenacle, - freely given.

My Chosen Cenacle,

The very nature of My maternal love for all my children on earth beckons me to come and stand by their side in these perilous hours.

My devoted children, do you know how many souls teeter on the brink of hell today? O, how many have squandered their inheritance for the illusion of happiness in the perishables of this world! How many have returned slaps of ingratitude and obstinancy for God's favors! How many spit an endless stream of blasphemies into the bruised and bloody Face of God in return for His love and fidelity! How many push Him aside for the sake of vainglory! Yes, God's children have treated Him miserably - unprecidented in this rebellious age!

Yet, God who is Love has not acted in a miserly way with His children - those who have been won by the Blood of Jesus. He has turned with His lovliness in the form of streams of grace and Mercy toward the faces of evildoers. His Mercy flows in torrents over those who, in their blindness, lay claim to innocent lives. He has turned with generosity and love toward a darkened and sickened world by sending Me, His Mother, with a message of peace and hope for a grossly fallen human nature!

The Omnipotent God, who created all things and who can turn the entire globe into a ball of dust in an instant - cannot wield a stubborn heart, cannot melt the ice of indifference that encases many human hearts today. He desires your Love, My Cenacle, - freely given. For love is not love unless it is freely given. Love is not pure unless it is uncompromising and its intent is focused on the object of its love. God's desire is to save mens souls for everlasting happiness with Him in Paradise. Men are intent upon selling thier souls for the fleeting pleasures of this world! God's desire is to chastise a little so that all might be gained in the end of men's sojourn on earth. For to discipline the flesh lends to the greater strength of the soul. One must decrease so that the other may increase. Men's intent is to indulge the flesh to the saturation level thus leaving the soul weak, mal-nourished of virtue - formidable and empty!

The battle between the red dragon and the Woman clothed with the sun is raging wildly! He is striking his most hostile blows against my army. My mantle, my children, shields you from the worst of those blows. I remain forever by your side as you help me to reconcile the world back to God by your prayers and sacrifices. Do not become fearful or dismayed. For you know that all that has been written regarding the great battle and final victory is unfolding as a flower in its season. That season in which its life and its death give way to a greater, more fruitful, resurrected life. I lead you to that resurrected life when the present season has passed away.