A Call To Holiness


July through December 1993 Messages To Lena Shipley

07-07-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE Nothing can separate you from God's love

My Chosen cenacle,

My Beloved children, nothing can separate you from God's love. Neither can the powers of darkness nor the prince of this world tempt you beyond your ability to resist with God's grace.

But man has turned away from right reasoning - has turned away from the Way of the Cross and has, instead, embarked upon the broad way of self-indulgence. My children have sought after a theology that indulges this self-gratification and ego centric spirit so common in the world today. They have formulated their own gospel as it is found in the new age movement. My children have constructed many golden calves to worship in place of God. They have devised their own precepts for living in place of God's commandments.

But, my cenacle, even this massive exodus away from God cannot destroy the love God has for His adopted sons and daughters. Jesus won the right for all men to be called children of God. His Blood sealed the New Covenant that validated mans kinship with God. Although the children become unruly, the love that bore divine life cannot be broken.

I am the messenger sent by God to you to testify to His Eternal, Everlasting Love for His children. Although chaos, confusion and man's inhumanity to man spread like the plague, although the bonds of human love be broken among families, relationships - God's Love reigns. His love reigns and wraps the broken families. His love enfolds societies outcasts, the sick and dying, the youth, whose paths often lead dangerously far from God. Although the powers of darkness hover over the world like an impenetrable cloud, God's Love reigns - heals - and conquers!

I am among you to announce the day of Love's conquest over hatred. My children, the love of God shall conquer! It shall purify the earth! Divine love shall make its descent. It shall smash and burn the golden calves of sin. The exodus of God's people shall continue on its journey to the Promised Land of Heaven. God will once again dwell among His people in peace - guiding them and teaching them about His Kingdom of Love.

My faithful cenacle, be my precursors. Proclaim God's Eternal, Unbroken circle of love as its' fire makes its descent upon the earth in preparation for His Reign of Peace that you, yourselves are expediating by your Rosaries! In all of this, My chosen army, you will be more than conqueror because of God who has loved you so much. Persevere in prayer and penance for a world who has long forgotten the love of its' Creator.

07-14-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE Renew with ever greater zeal your consecration to My Immaculate Heart.

My Chosen Cenacle, Your sorrowing Mother calls all of Her children to renew with ever greater zeal their consecration to My Immaculate Heart. Renew it, My children, in the hope that My Immaculate Heart is your only sure refuge in this hour of tears. My heart weeps with My children around the world as trials and tribulations sweep across many parts of the globe.

My children, my children - God is trying to arouse your attention! Earthquakes, floods, famines and disease are claiming many lives. The birth pangs heralding the birth of a new age upon the earth have begun and are being felt around the world. My heart is heavy as I must watch my children bathe in the bloody bath of war. My Beloved, God is vieing for your attention!

My dear ones, live your consecration, hour by hour, even minute by minute. Give your Mother everything! Do not hold back. I need your total surrender in order to carry out God's Plan in you. You need to totally surrender yourself to that Plan, entrusted to Me, in order to survive the days ahead. I come to bring the world hope in this tearful hour. In this tearful hour, violence and hatred have sprouted in many hearts that have been planted with the seeds of sin. Now mankind is reaping what has been sown!

My cenacle, do not wait for hearts to be converted before you go out and invite your brothers and sisters to partake of God's love and mercy as manifested to the world through Jesus' bloody Passion. Do not delay! My Cenacle, witness to My messages with faith and with confidence in my motherly protection. Begin, My children, today - with the unconverted members of your families!

Think of your sorrowful Mother as she looks upon her lost children with desperation, sorrow and compassion. Think about how desperately I wish to feed their starving souls with the bread of Truth. Look upon your own family and friends with that same heartfelt tenderness!

Go forth with faith and in confidence in the unfailing love of God. Be my ambassadors. Make haste for evening draws near. The hour of great darkness is descending - for the Church and for the whole world. My children must know that their Mother is near them in their trials, holding the golden key that secures their safety. My cenacle, My heart is your only safe haven. Consecrate yourself to me. Live it fully and renew it often. Clasp your Rosaries in your hands as you live seriously your consecrations.

Prayer, sacrifices, faith and love penetrate the darkness that hovers over the earth allowing streams of God's Mercy and Love to pour forth. I am with you, My little ones -coaching, guiding and encouraging. I am leading you onward and upward toward victory. I am your Mother of Hope!

07-28-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE I have been sent to humanity as its' remedy for the present reign of terror.

My Beloved Cenacle,

According to the Divine Holy Will of God, I have been sent to humanity as its' remedy for the present reign of terror. The cancer of evil is spreading through every organism, every cell that comprises the Body of My Son on earth - the Church.

The balm of My motherly love would have no power to heal; my motherly hands would have no power to untangle humanity from the web of slavery into which it is trapped, unless that power were given to Me by God to do so. My Cenacle, God has granted Me a measure of His power to conquer evil with My Motherly Love. God has entrusted to Me the grace whereby your salvation may be secured. The Heart of a Mother, which encases God's own Love, has the power to bring to naught the forces of evil which threaten Her children!

If you could but see through the eyes of your Mother as She beholds the Body of Her Son on earth! My children, the Body of My Son on earth is covered with wounds - gaping wounds, deep and bleeding profusely. My tear-filled eyes overflow, soaking these wounds of sin - impiety, blasphemies, faithlessness, degradation, pride and numerous infidelities against God. The purifying bath of the Sacrament of Reconciliation remains ignored. My tears continue to flow over the wounds of my children.

But a remnant of my faithful have felt this rain from Heaven upon their cheeks. They have heard my sobs. They have seen my light with the eyes of their souls. This remnant has responded to Heaven's peace plan that I have set before them and they have formed cenacles of prayer - whose healing balm I am spreading over the wounds of humanity.

My Cenacle, your eyes have been shielded from the fierce battle that is being waged around and above you. The legions of hell are attacking mighty blows as God's warriors are engaged in shielding you from the deadly onslaught. My Beloved, you are caught up in this fierce attack with your Mother - who leads you through it under the protection of my mantle. The prayers, fasts and penance's of my chosen cenacles cover you with a protective force impenetrable to the enemies' fiercest blows.

I am calling you to open your souls completely to God so that you may be able to better understand God's ordained will for the salvation of the world. The final phase of the restoration of God's Kingdom on earth has begun! God's mighty Hand is lowering as His angels begin their descent bearing the wonderful news of mankind's liberation and armed with the instrumentation to bring that liberation about.

Behold, My Beloved, you shall be witnesses to the marvelous Divine intervention that will culminate in humanity's complete restoration and return to God, the Source of all life. The mud and slime of sin shall be burned in the furnace of God's Love. The dross shall be consumed in its' heat. The restoration shall be complete!

For your part, My little ones, begin to open yourselves to God completely. Surrender. Surrender. Surrender, so that you may be able to understand with your heart what you shall begin to see with your eyes.

I am with you embracing you with the very Power and Light of God.

08-03-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE I have been sent among you to teach, to guide and to love you.

My Chosen Cenacle, I have been sent among you to teach, to guide and to love you. My sole purpose is to lead my wayward children back to Jesus, back to paradise, back to the restoration of what was lost in the Garden of Eden.

I have formed you and arrayed you for battle and now I call you together as your teacher in the school of suffering. My dear ones, God, the Almighty, could restore law and order in the hearts of His people by a mere thought. He could have fashioned the human heart with an automatic response to His Love. My little ones, you cannot understand the immensity of your God - His pure and perfect love for His creatures. His love necessitates a voluntary response - a free will decision.

His love cannot be arrived at through obedience alone; for obedience cannot penetrate the thick skin of the human heart, it cannot identify with the heart of God who has no need for obedience. His love cannot be arrived at through imitation of virtue alone nor can it be arrived at through discipline alone for these qualities of the human spirit cannot transcend the human realm to arrive at a superhuman love! It is through suffering that the supernatural love of God can be penetrated.

It is through suffering that the suffering spirit can transcend its' boundaries and merge with a suffering God who, out of love for his creatures, gave all in immense pain. It is only through suffering that the human spirit can transcend that which it does not possess of itself. It is through suffering alone that the human spirit is vulnerable to a love outside of itself. It is only through suffering, that the thick skin of the human heart softens and is able to absorb the Supreme Love that is longing to take hold of it.

I am your teacher in this school of suffering after having first completed its' courses.

In this hour of tears, cling to Me. Cling to your Rosaries; for, when the pain is great, the glory is greater! My dear ones, God has been drawing his children back to Himself, back to what has been lost through sin. The final phase of His plan has dawned upon the horizon. It will be passage through the school of suffering that will culminate in the graduation into Eternal Love and bliss incomprehensible!

08-10-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE I am with you - guiding you to unity in Faith

My Chosen Cenacle,

Together, let us praise Jesus with our whole being! As always, I unite Myself with you in prayer. Our prayer rises up as incense before the throne of God. Your generosity in responding to My call pleases and comforts your sorrowful Mother and appeases the just wrath of God as He beholds the rebelliousness of His creatures.

I am building up among you a more perfect, unified cenacle. My dear children, I am with you - guiding you to unity in Faith. Stand firm in your adherence to the Gospel Message of Jesus. Stand firm in the Sacred Tradition handed down to you from the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church of Jesus Christ, the Church that never changes! Stand firm and united, My children, in the tennants of your faith.

I am with you guiding you to unity of prayer. Your prayer as a united cenacle rises to Heaven as though on the wings of the angels - as one, pure and totally acceptable offering to atone for the holocaust of sin. I am with you guiding you toward greater unity in the way that you love one another. My dear ones - stand united in love! Let there be no quarreling, disagreement or dissention from the Truth among you! Love and forebear with one another!

I am with you to lead you to a unity of purpose. Be singlehearted, My dear cenacle. I have called you together. I have formed you for mission, for service, for battle - a battle that will end in the victory of love over hate - a battle that will prepare you to greet your Lord, your King!

I am leading you to greater unification in sacrifice, penance. I have laid before you the sacrificial blueprint for the salvation of souls. I am counting on you, My cenacle - to be the building blocks of God's master plan. Remain united, My cenacle, under the protection of My wings. My mantle is spreading out over you - drawing you in close to My motherly heart so full of love for you.

My Beloved, you are so close to My heart that you must feel the tears as they roll from my eyes and fall unto you. Let them arouse you from your sleep and apathy as they fall upon you. Let them remind you of the seriousness of the hour. Let them remind you that your sorrowing Mother never sleeps as she awaits the return of her stray children.

My Cenacle, as you prepare to celebrate the glorious mystery of my heavenly assumption into glory - remember all your brothers and sisters who may never celebrate their victory over the flesh. Remember your brothers and sisters who are still enslaved in the shackles of sin.

Much prayer remains to be offered, My cenacle, for them; so that all might come to comprehend the greatness, the freedom to which they are called and follow their Mother to Heaven at that moment when time ceases and eternity begins. That moment when they shall hear their Lord as He calls, "Arise, My Beloved and Come! Enter into the place prepared for you since the beginning of time."

O, My Cenacle, there is much yet to do - much prayer, much sacrifice. Stand firm in your conviction to come together to form my unified cenacle of prayer.

08-l8-93 Wednesday Cenacle The poisonous wrath of the enemy has been unleashed upon you

My Chosen Cenacle,

Praised Be Jesus now and forever! I come to you in the brilliant light of His love and His blessed favor for you, His faithful ones! As always - I pray with you. I labor for souls with you. I will not rest until the aura of grace spreads around the darkened world and permeates into the recesses of all hearts.

My light illuminates the love of the Father, the redemptive love of the Son and the ever-present, burning love of the Holy Spirit. All are one, My Cenacle and you are wrapped in the perfect love of God. His favor rests upon you. You have inclined your ear to listen to my messages. You have not turned your back upon me. Because of this, the poisonous wrath of the enemy has been unleashed upon you. He bombards my faithful with insults, persecutions. He hurls hideous errors at you. He uses the goods of this world to detract you from your mission. He pits the wisdom of this world against the wisdom of God to undermine the purity of your Faith. He is using his most deadly weapons to destroy family unity, the innocense of the youth and the commitment of religious communities.

O, My Cenacle, there is much work yet to be done to set the world ablaze with the light of truth. O, My children, where o where are the ideals upon which your forefathers established and set their seal upon when they founded this blessed nation? Has this once great nation lost all dignity and respect for human life? Is liberty and justice only to be found within the circles of the affluent? No, my dear ones, the balance of justice has tipped too far! The proud will fall from their thrones of illusion. Your country has strayed too far away from the Truth, too far away from God.

God will regain control in this country. This land of plenty has over-indulged and will choke on its' own vomit! I am present upon your continent to fashion an army of true believers who will work with their mother to restore the original beauty of this land. You are my army who will help me to spread the hue of grace across this continent. You are my army who, by your prayers will restore truth and justice upon your homeland.

To this end, I continually invite you to prayer and sacrifice. I continually invite you to live your consecration by surrendering your every prayer, every action, your whole being to Me. My Immaculate Heart is your refuge. My mantle of grace, you wall of protection. Cross out your own wills, My children, and trust Me with them. Entrust to Me your children, your spouses, your homes, your work. Give to Me your very lives. I will make of them a perfect offering to the Almighty and God's will shall be accomplished on earth through you. It must be so, My cenacle, or the multitudes will perish.

My arms are open wide to you. Rush into them!

08-25-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE Neither wealth nor fame, not even friends or family can be of any lasting comfort.

My Chosen Cenacle,

Praised be Jesus Christ, Our Lord of Lords - our King of Kings. Blessed be God above all things forever and blessed be His Infinite Wisdom!

My dear little children, the incalculable wisdom of God is far removed from the wisdom of the world. All that is attained from the world corrodes and returns to the earth -leaving you poor and naked.

A great misery and anxiety has God allowed to fall upon the earth to prove that neither wealth nor fame, not even friends or family can be of any lasting comfort. All vanishes, My cenacle. One day all shall be gone. The wisdom of the world renders mankind a fugitive who is pursued by his passions. The wisdom of the world snares its' captured in a web of distortion whose end is utter destruction. The wisdom of the world is shrouded in darkness.

I have come, My Cenacle, to bring you peace and light. No true believer shall be left alone, in the darkness of the world. My presence will illuminate the darkness because my presence illuminates God's wisdom and relieves your human hearts so heavily laden with many miseries. I wish to lead you to the discovery of this priceless treasure. Surrender your wills to me. Surrender your human intellect. O, how easy to say but so difficult to do. My poor children cling to their own wills as though they were their lifeline. They rely on their own understanding as though they themselves fashioned the universe and hold it in its' place.

My cenacle, God's grace will open your understanding so that you may begin to comprehend the hidden treasure of heavenly wisdom. Do not purchase for yourselves a ticket to gehenna by washing clean the exterior vessel of your body while the interior soul remains tainted - like the hypocrites!

I plead with you to begin to pray diligently for the graces of conversion for yourselves, your families and the whole world. I have been sent upon the earth to dispense these graces freely. My poor children would rather preserve their bodies than their souls! I beg of you to pray to overcome all obstacles to God. For your Lord is returning and the path upon which your feet are set upon must be made straight!

I am God's last gift to mankind whereby all creatures may return to God. I am the illuminated doorway to Eternity. My army, those consecrated souls that I have called and formed partake of the sweetness of My presence. My army is embued in the fragrance of grace. They must also partake of the bitterness of self-abandonment and sacrifice so that all might arrive at faith's goal - salvation and eternal sweetness.

09-15-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE God wishes to have a love affair with His Beloved!

My Dearly Beloved Cenacle,

Praised be Jesus Christ, Praised be His Humanity and His Divinity - both in time and in Eternity. Children, let us praise Him together forever!

My Cenacle, God wishes to have a love affair with His Beloved! But, like any love affair, the beloved must loose himself in his lover. So, too, with God! He calls you to loose yourself in Him. He calls you to become holy. He calls you to become like Himself - holy and perfect.

My children, can you accomplish this mighty feat? Certainly not - of yourselves! But, O, how much God can accomplish in and through you if you but relax your efforts and let God! I come to ask you not be frustrate God's Plan for you and for the world by robbing Him of His creative Power over you.

Your humanity is a gift given to you by God in cooperation with your earthly parents. Your divine nature is a gift to you from God. No effort, my children, was required by you. You were created in His image. You must realize, my children, that God's masterful work in your soul is often hindered by your efforts and is enhanced by your continued yes to let go of your will and let God do His work in you. It is human pride that has caused so much destruction and has thwarted the mighty handiwork of our all-wise, all-knowing God.

O, my dear ones - be as little children. Your Mother is crying! What does a child do when its mother is crying so profusely? Does he turn and run away to continue his play? No, he runs to the feet of her and throws himself upon her bosom and says, "mama, what can I do to stop your tears?" My dear ones, your mama is crying and awaits her tender-hearted children to come and dry her tears with their prayers for souls.

This age of sorrow will bring many to annihilation unless hearts encased in pride renounce their very self into the hands of the Mighty One!

My Cenacle, rest in the assurance that when you sleep, you sleep in my arms and when you arise, you walk in my company. Pray and renounce your egocentric wills, My Blessed ones, until that glorious day when the One, Divine Will, which is perfect peace, overshadows and draws you unto Itself in union with the angels and saints forever.

09-22-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE All creation shall be one with its' Creator!

My Chosen Cenacle,

Let all creation give glory to God. Let us praise and thank Him for His infinite love which cries out for justice so that all his creatures will reign with Him in His Kingdom of perfection.

My Beloved, love is made perfect in God alone. Love will have been made perfect through the Divine justice of God, the perfect sacrifice of the Son and the all consuming fire of the Holy Spirit.

My Cenacle, I am preparing you for immersion in God. A bath of fire - the fire of Divine Love - is descending upon the earth. The angels of justice have already been commissioned to administer God's mighty, awesome and fearsome plan of Divinization. The wicked will tremble in fear and despair. But the faithful will tremble in anticipation - for they shall know that their liberation is near.

Give glory to God with your whole heart and mind - for the Almighty, who created the heavens, the earth and all that lives therein, shall restore His creation to its' original beauty. All shall possess new life . All shall rise up to glorify the Creator. All that possesses life shall adore God. All creation shall be one with its' Creator! The souls of the just shall shine with the splendor of God. The resemblance of Father and children shall be evident!

My Cenacle, My poor children fail to comprehend the magnificense of what is to come because they do not comprehend the Omnipotence of their God! O, My Beloved, if you only knew - with what reverence the angels and saints contemplate their God in Heaven! With holy reverence and trembling is God glorified through the holy assembly of Heaven!

It is the duty of your Mother to awaken your souls to the holiness, might and majesty of your God. My Cenacle, I invite you to nurture the inspiration I am planting in the garden of your souls - that of profound reverence for God. Learn to adore God in the depths of your souls with the profundity of the angels. If you could behold, My dear ones, the manner in which the holy angels adore their God at every consecration - you would tremble with fear and in great joy!

I come to fill your hearts with the perfume of holy reverence for God to prepare your souls for the immersion in the fire that is God - soon to come upon the earth. Contemplate the reverence of the angels, My dear ones! It is theirs for all Eternity to glorify and praise the Everlasting Trinity. Begin to realize, in the depths of your souls, the immensity, the supremacy of God. Begin to realize to what degree the Omnipotent God must condescend to commune with mere mortals! Begin, My cenacle, to tremble in the depths of your souls at the thought of His Greatness. Begin to adore Him, as do the angels and saints - in profound humility with great hope and joy. For God has deemed men worthy to become one with Him forever!

09-29-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE You are called to be God's Mercy for the broken and oppressed

Message to be placed here soon.

10-06-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE Console your God and your sorrowful Mother, by your continued faithfulness to My message of conversion.

My Chosen Cenacle,

Together, let us praise Jesus - truly God and truly Man! Let God's Holy Sanctuary be filled with our praise - for the Lord, your Light, your Rock and your Salvation! May He give you His strength and bless you with His Peace.

My children, I invite you to As the world continues its' rejection of God and His commandments, the purifying rod of God's Justice strikes in many parts of the land. O, My Cenacle, your Mother trembles at the sight of so many souls facing death with unrepentant hearts!

God gives every soul grace sufficient to persevere in its plight on this earth. God gives every soul the strength to endure the cross. But, so many souls, in their arrogance and self-sufficiency, refuse God's Grace. Like the faithful lover that He is, God pursues His beloved right to the threshold of hell itself. His grace affords sinners special lights that illumine the error of their ways. Too often, because of pride, they refuse the Light of God, preferring the darkness of their sin.

The stray sheep have become lethargic. They have become comfortable in their sinfulness. The lost are accustomed to living with their anger, their greed, their covetousness. These sins and their lustfull, gluttonous living have enslaved them. They would rather remain enslaved than look into themselves to find the root causes that has rendered them immovable. Souls no longer are willing to burden themselves with the disciplines of virtuous living. It has become too easy to satisfy every worldly desire!

I have come to you, My chosen ones, to awaken you from your sleep! I come to call you out of yourselves for a mission that will free your brothers and sisters. To you, I have revealed the Heart of God. To you, I have offered the means with which to obtain the fullness of life within the Heart of God, that Furnace of never ending love.

My presence among you is often met with silence and rejection. My intervention is given no credance. The darkness continues to repel the Light. But, my dear ones, the light has power over it! Do not be disheartened, My little ones, by the icy hearts of those who do not know thier Mother! Do not fear the darkness! The Light of Christ has already overcome it! I call you to be mirrors of God's goodness in a world cold with indifference.

I call you to mirror God's Mercy and Love in a world filled with anger and hate. Your enemies shall not put my chosen army to shame; rather, the shame of evil-doers will be exposed in the Day of the Lord. Your little voices shall become stronger as self-destruction, ruin and death rise with the tide of sin as it sweeps more forcibly.

I come, tonight, to encourage you, My dear ones. Your prayers, your sacrifices are not in vain! Rather, they are forming a mighty tempest that will converge upon the world with the force of a mighty hurricane. I extend my open arms to you. Come into them that I might console you. Trust the Most Blessed Trinity from whence My words issue forth. The Light of God consumes you, My Cenacle and the Light has already overcome the darkness.

I bring you peace, My chosen ones, blessed peace!

10-13-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE Your mother cradles her little ones close to her heart to calm you as the storm rages all around

My Chosen Cenacle,

I come to you, my little ones, in the luminous light of the Most High, through the power of the Spirit of Love. May the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings be extolled and praised forever because of the benefits He has bestowed on the faithful!

Tonight, I am gathering you to my bosom like a Mother cradling her infant. A loving mother gathers her insecure infant to her heart as she rocks her babe to and fro to bring it comfort and security. My cenacle, your mother cradles her little ones close to her heart to calm you as the storm rages all around.

Come, My children, I have prepared a manger for you where you will find shelter from the cold. I have laid in it the straw of My love as a pillow upon which you may lay your head. I have place in it a blanket of peace and hope with which I desire to wrap each one of you. With my motherly hands, I reach out to you, gathering all of my cenacles into the safe refuge of My Immaculate heart. Come, My children, find rest!

This day commemorates the occasion of God's wondrous manifestation of His Power, His Love and His enduring presence among His people. On this day, God chose to reveal to His children, His mastery over creation, His intimate connection with those for whom He gave His Life through the Person of the Son. On this day, God chose to awaken men's souls with the light of the earth. On this day, God chose to reaffirm His covenant and call mankind back to The Way, the Truth and the Life!

My chosen cenacle, how long must God call His beloved to respond to His loving, saving Plan? The Light of the world has chosen, once again, to descend upon the earth in the embodiment of the Heart of His Mother. As the hearts of men become closed and hardened because of egoism, hatred, violence and dissention, I have come to manifest the Light of God in every part of the world. O, my dear ones, how long will my children cling to the darkness of sin? Will they open their hearts to the present day miracle?

This day commemorates that blessed day when the multitudes beheld the Miracle of the Sun. But the world grew colder as sin prevailed. Today, the miracle of the Son has again been made manifest through the Heart of your Mother. Again, the heavenly signs are given little or no credance.

My cenacles have beheld the miracle. With voices - raised in unity - my cenacles have beheld the heavenly light! They are the living sign of My presence in the world. They are sacraments of God's grace. My cenacles are the embodiment of my message of conversion. Within them is the energy that will spread through all the nations. O, My Cenacle, you are the modern-day miracle from which will spring new life for the church - purified life where Jesus will establish in your midst the glorious reign of love and peace. In hiddenness and silence you accomplish the purpose for your existence until that day when no-one shall be able to deny that the Son of Justice has descended upon the earth issuing the purifying fires of Divine Love. O, miracle of miracles! No one shall be able to deny!

10-20-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE The kiss of betrayal has once again been imparted upon Him in His Vicar thus begining the trials and purification for the church

My Chosen Cenacle,

May the love burning in the Heart of your Saviour ignite your own poor hearts and draw you into Its Flame. As always, I extend my motherly arms out to you drawing you together as Cenacle. It is here that I unite Myself to your prayer in a most efficacious offering to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Come into the fold My sons and daughters, where I can protect you and manifest Myself in you. Together we must go forth on this painful journey so that God's final Plan of Salvation may be made manifest through you, My cohort.

O, My Cenacle, we must ascend the mountain of victory together, hand in hand as the time has come for the fulfillment of many prophecies concerning the latter days.

My dear ones, My poor Son - wounded in time, yet glorified in Eternity, is clinging to His Church just as He clung to the Cross. The kiss of betrayal has once again been imparted upon Him in His Vicar thus beginning the trials and purification for the Church. My children, we are embarked upon the Way of the Cross. O, the poor, disoriented Bride of my Son! She is being seduced by the vicious one who seeks to lay claim to her virtue. She is being beaten with errors and entangled in disobedience. She is being crowned with blasphemy and disrespect. O, My Cenacle - what a pitiable state she is in!

Jesus clings to her like a lover possessed with His beloved and determined to save her from destruction. My, the hostile army is great in number and fierce in its attack against the Church, Jesus' Body on earth. The Almighty Creator, your Father, took pity upon those lingering in this death-like state and sent your Mother to bear once again the Light of the world! I have, therefore, manifested myself as leader of another great army of which you are a part. You are being trained in the cenacle of My Immaculate Heart.

My desire is that you enter into the fullness of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who will instruct your heart and who will awaken and bring to full fruition the great gifts of courage and fortitude and heavenly wisdom. The Holy Spirit, the Living Breath of God will expand your very being to the likeness of God Himself. In this way, I your tender and merciful Mother will have given to the world its Light through you, my little ones.

The work of God's Hand is being accomplished in silence and hiddenness today, My dear ones. It is mysterious and awesome! That is why I am among you - to console you, to support your faith, to encourage you to walk along the road which I have traced out for you, to assure you that God is the Supreme, the only Reality and that His word is true!

Jesus is forming a new heart for His Church through My Immaculate Heart. You are called to be that new heart which will be transplanted in the Body of my Son, His Church. Its beat will become stronger and louder as the old becomes weaker.

Peace, glorious peace will descend upon the Church - clothing it in a new blanket of grace.

Rejoice, My Cenacle, that you have been called to bring about the Victory with your Devoted Mother.

10-27-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE Your Mother wishes you to make steady progress on your way of conversion

My Dear Cenacle,

Let us bless the Lord together! We bring you, our God, all of our praise and thanksgiving, because your Divine Providence never fails. We prostrate our souls before you, our Living and Loving God, exalted above all forever. You are our God. We are the people whom you shepherd; the flock that you guide with your unwavering rod.

My Cenacle, we are gathered before the Living God in the safety of His Holy Sanctuary. I call you together in this cenacle of prayer. Here, you are under the tutelage of your Mother. But your Mother often sighs when she sees the slow progress of her own chosen ones.

My little ones, do your lives bless the Lord from the rising of the sun to its setting? Have your lives become dominated by My messages of peace and conversion? Your Mother wishes you to make steady progress on your way of conversion. Consider the dilemma of a teacher of children. The teacher calls the class to task when they are easily distracted and the lesson goes unheeded. After having called the class back to order, the teacher proceeds with the deeper lesson which is always dependent upon the previous, only to find the class distracted again. Such is the case of your Mother. O, how worldly concerns distract My children! Do you not yet realize that you have been given the graces sufficient to accomplish your daily tasks with peace and resignation? Are you not aware that it is possible for you to always have room in your heart for prayer? Do you forget that the job you have been given to carry out on this earth comes from the Hand of God?

Your duties in life have been masterfully designed by God to bring about your sanctification. Because sanctification has been made difficult due to the surge of Satanic power loosed upon the earth in these last days, your Mother comes to you to teach you Herself and thus lead you by the hand to holiness and peace.

God wishes to be loved by His people; but his people have chosen instead - love of self, love of material things, love of power, and, where Satan is most dominant, love of the perverse.

O, my children, how I wish the world could love their God as I love Him! I have come that you might know the fullness of God's love and possess true peace in your hearts. Your Mother knows that peace is almost non-existent upon this earth. That is why I ask for your consecration. On your own you can never find the door to peace in a fallen world where so many traps have been set for you.

Remain attentive to My voice among you and live your consecration with trust and hope. Peace must be the seed that flowers from your conversion. It must have taken root deep within your heart. I am with you today, but a day is coming soon when the heavenly light will be extinguished for a time. The seed which I have planted through your cenacle must be the hearty flower that lights up the darkness and sees you through what is to come. You, my cenacle, are my sturdy vine that will not falter in the hour of judgment if you firmly clasp my hand and continue to pray, fast, and sacrifice for poor sinners.

I leave you in the joy of the holy angels as they shout out, "Peace to the people of earth. Prepare and be glad for the Glory of God is about to be revealed to the nations!"

11-03-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE He is returning to make all things new.

My Beloved Cenacle,

Rejoice, because God is present in your midst! He comes to rule the world. All things are subject to Jesus Christ, our Lord. O, that you shall hold out to the end - for you, the children of His flock shall also reign with Him

My dear ones, He is returning to make all things new! Rejoice and be glad, my sons and daughters - for your Mother is with you to be sure you are clothed in the garment of your salvation. Jesus has made all things possible for you! Now He calls you, through your Mother, to put on your white robes without delay, purified in His Blood. Make haste, my children, for the storm is upon you. Cling to your Mother and keep ever focused on prayer. Unite yourselves with your Jesus, ever present among you in the Blessed Sacrament.

It is for this very hour that I have prepared you. It is time to enter into the shelter to which I have been inviting you for some time - where you shall be safe from the storm. My dear Cenacle, Satan has tricked men with his lies. He has induced them to extinguish the light of truth from their soul. Men have committed every kind of perversity in the darkness brought upon them by the father of lies. They no longer know Truth. They do not recognize their Jesus among them.

Because mankind has preferred the darkness of sin to the light of truth, God will withdraw His Heavenly Light for a time. You, my faithful, must be secure in the shelter of My Heart that I have been preparing for you all these years that I have been among you. You must be clothed in the garment of your salvation, that is, faith in Jesus Christ and His promises. Your faith will be your only light during the hours of darkness. But you will be secure in the abyss of my motherly heart where no harm shall come to you if you remain firm in your consecration and commitment to my messages. These, my children, are the keys to your safety. Be at peace, My Cenacle, because I love each one of you with the heart of a mother devoted entirely to saving her children.

Jesus will never leave you. He is true to His promises. But there will come a time when His True and Living Body in the Sacred Host must be hidden from the vultures who seek to destroy Him again. Just as the 'Tabernacle' of His earthly Body was sought and destroyed so, too, shall the Tabernacle that houses His Body, the Eucharist, will be sought for destruction.

Hold fast to the truth of His Covenant. He will be with you until the end of time. My children all these things which have been foretold by the prophets must come to pass before sin can be eradicated from the face of the earth. Do not allow these events to trouble your soul or discourage you. Rather, let the ever increasing reign of evil be the impetus for you to submerge yourselves in My Immaculate Heart by way of living the messages and your consecration.

On that great and fearsome day when the earth shall quake and the skies give up their heavenly bodies, I will be gathering all the faithful on the altar of my Immaculate Heart to offer to the Justice of God.

Remain vigilant, my dear ones. Clothed in the garment of faith and girded in prayer, you shall be victorious with your Mother. Peace shall descend upon the earth as dew from heaven. All things being new and brilliant, you shall be the caretakers of God's Kingdom on earth and the partakers of His Immense goodness.

I love you and am with you always.

11-07-93 FAMILY ROSARY Your families belong to me

I saw a very large space filled with babies. Our Lady was holding one of these very bruised, very bloody children. She said, "The bath of sacrifice in which these babies have been immersed by human hands is overflowing. The vindication of my babies, so rejected by the world is at hand. I weep for the world! O, My faithful ones, I cannot hold back my tears for you! I will speak to you on the second Sunday of each month to instruct you, to prepare you and to affirm your families in grace. Your families belong to me. I hold them very near to my heart. You have said yes to life; but woe to those who have not. Pray for them. Pray. Unless they reconcile themselves with God, unless they atone for slamming the door of death in the faces of My innocents - they shall perish - for all Eternity. Pray, My families, Pray!

11-10-93 Wednesday Cenacle Let Yourselves be led docilely to the fullness of life by the angels

My Chosen Cenacle,

Let us extol and praise the Most Blessed Trinity together! God is faithful and true - He has fulfilled His wonderful plans of old. He also will bring to completion Heaven's Peace Plan entrusted to Me.

My dear ones, I bring you the love of God as it is manifested in Jesus. I bring you rest for your wearied souls. I bring you living water from Heaven to quench the thirst of your souls. My Beloved, I bring you to the refuge of my Heart from whence will emerge the glorious reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus!

Let yourselves be led docilely to the fullness of life by the angels who have been commissioned to help their Queen bring about the Triumph. Follow them to the source of Light and Life in your midst - to the Tabernacle of Life - to the Altar of Love - where Jesus waits for you. Follow the whisperings of the angels of Light as they prompt you to this cenacle of prayer. Heed their prompting as they inspire you to offer sacrifices and make reparation for the many evils of your day. The angels and the archangels, the entire heavenly court are united with you, My chosen ones, in this bitter battle with the devil and his legions. Indeed, they are defending you. Unite yourselves to the heavenly army. Fear nothing, My children, I have instructed your hearts well. I have captured them into my Most Tender Heart. I have captured them for God!

I will not leave you orphans now. I have ignited the light of faith within you. It must burn brightly in this darkened hour of trial. I am with you to exhort you, over and over, to live my messages. I am with you to encourage you. I am with you to bring you peace as you journey through your desert to the Promised Land. I am with you to mirror the reality of God's existence and His Love. Do not allow my adversary to cast doubt over your minds or apathy over your hearts.

My dear ones, what does one do who has driven many miles and sleep threatens to overshadow him, endangering his very life? He cannot give in to sleep. He fights to remain alert - to save his life - by allowing the cold air to come upon him. He tunes in to the radio in an attempt to remain awake.

The sleep of darkness has descended upon the earth. You are at the wheel of life. Your destination is Eternal Life in the Kingdom of God. You must remain awake and alert lest the sleep of the enemy overcomes you. Allow the fresh air of truth to inundate you and remain tuned in to My voice as it echoes around the world.

I am with you as you drive forward to that heavenly domain which has been prepared for you. I am providing you with the fresh air of Truth as my words ring in your ears. Stay awake, My little children until that day when the sands of the hour glass have disappeared and you are resting safely in my arms.

11-17-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE "For the Lord who is mighty has done great things"

My Dear Cenacle,

Let us praise the name of Jesus. Let us bless the Lord together. Where are the days when His Name was extolled throughout the earth? Where are the days when His goodness was recognized through His handiwork? Lift up the name of the Lord! Do not forget Him! "For the Lord who is mighty has done great things"..for you, and to all His faithful who are called according to His purpose.

My children, it is my delight to illuminate for you the splendor of God's goodness, what He intends to do for those who have chosen Him as their one and only God.

Heed well, my dear ones, this truth - the truth that your bodies and all that is of the world is vanity! This will help you surrender peaceably and hopefully all that is passing away - the days of youth, illusive pleasures - and joyfully await what is to come.

My children, the days of youth are fleeting. In that day, the body does all it is commanded to do. The pleasures of the world lightens the heart and causes it to rejoice. The young follow the ways of the heart to what is most delectable to its' sight. But these days are soon overshadowed with old age. The body no longer obeys the old commands. Its' limbs have succumbed to weakness, stiffness and trembling. What most delighted the pallet now leaves it tasteless, without pleasure.

My dear ones, is all lost? The spirit does not get life from the body which returns to the earth. The life breath that animated the body returns to God who gave it. All that belongs to the body is vanity. The excitement of youth - it is vanity! When the cord is broken and the spirit takes flight, it seeks the Source of its' life. It desires the God who it has come to know, love and serve in the world. You were not created for this earth which is vanity of vanities. My dear ones, your love must not be for your body - a king who is indeed, a fraud. Rather, your King is of noble birth who is preparing the wedding chamber for you - his espoused.

Your mother is with you to prepare you for the wedding banquet to which you have all been invited. But your hearts must be purged of all that corrodes and passes away to make room for the King who wishes to take residence there.

My Cenacle, remember that the days of youth are fleeting. The body returns to the earth. But your soul, being prepared by the tender hand of your Mother, will live forever in the residence of your King. The time allotted for preparation is coming to completion. The decisive moment is at hand - the Bridegroom - just around the corner. Be attentive and trust - I am always with you.

11-24-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE I have come with a message of peace!

My Dear Children, Let us respond to the Lord's righteousness, His wonder and His Love with voices of praise and thanksgiving! We lift up our hearts with love to you, our one, true God. You, O, Lord, our strength, our rock, our fortress, our deliverer, are the cause of our joy and this thanksgiving prayer.

My dear cenacle, it is for you, for all my cenacles of prayer, and for all of my children who still walk in darkness - even though my voice resounds around the whole world, that I manifest my motherly love. Walk along the road of thankfulness that leads to love, to purity and to holiness.

In this hour of turmoil and sorrow, in this hour when sin seems to have triumphed in the world, I have come with a message of peace! How can this be, you ask? When war is destroying lives, when sin has smitten the dignity of the people, how can peace reign? When hearts have become ever so stoney, how can it be so, you wonder? Can peace triumph in this setting, when God is about to chastise the earth?

It is so! Peace is possible - now - in this moment. My beloved children, peace is God's gift to those who recognize Him. I wish to lead you to His wonderful gift of peace - so necessary - so lacking in the hearts of God's children. I wish to lead you through the art of thanksgiving.

My cenacle, awaken your sleeping hearts to the art of thanksgiving. Be thankful for the gift of your lives, because through them God's wondrous plan is unfolding. All that God has created is good. It is the enemies of God who have despoiled it. Rejoice and be glad because God has conquered the enemy!

Be thankful for the Cross of Jesus. For upon it, He has conquered sin and won the victory for you.

Be thankful for your Cross! My children, realize that God has loved you so much that He wants you to be His partners, His co-operators in life and in the victory of salvation. He does not want to walk above you as your judge or task master. Rather, He wants you right beside Him as partner, friend, spouse. His condescension has enabled you to be partakers in His greatest gifts - life and redemption.

Thank Him for the wonder of His love - a life giving love, a cleansing love - a love that bore the Son, a love that empowered the Holy Spirit and a love that will renew, through judgement, so that God's kingdom - prayed for, longed for by His faithful, will reign upon this land.

Let peace well up within you as your hearts awaken to the art of thanksgiving. My dear ones, God is in the present moment. Peace, therefore, be with you on this Thanksgiving Day and always. Peace - believe it, feel it, claim it.

12-01-93 Wednesday Cenacle These days are days of disorientation and turmoil for the church, for the whole world

My chosen Cenacle,

Let us bless the Lord in prayer for he has shown His Face upon you and deemed you worthy to be called His children. He has poured out living water upon the thirsty land - living waters of His Love, His Mercy and His Truth. His Spirit He has graciously lavished upon you, His chosen.

My Cenacle, these days are days of disorientation and turmoil for the Church, for the whole world. Structures both within the church and within government are crumbling. Man made laws are ineffective to produce results which lead to peace. Artificial worlds are crumbling from within their own structure.

Mankind has continued to feast from the tree of knowledge - continues to elevate himself above the Mighty God - continues to blatantly disobey His laws - and continues to move farther and farther away from God. he cunning serpant is still seducing man in the old ways that have always served him best. My Cenacle, the darkness thickens. The enemy has infiltrated the ranks of my chosen army. O, my dear ones, the tears that I am shedding because my chosen - those who have received enlightenment of Truth - are

becoming presumptuous, casual, inattentive and worse, divisive! My dear ones, do you not realize that a house divided against itself cannot stand?

I beg you to pull together in unity of intention. Solidarity, my children! Stand firm against the enemy and stand united. Cease fighting one another with words and lack of love. Continue to fight the enemy - with prayer, with love for one another. Stand firm and united in prayer. Without prayer, you will not stand at all. I am with you in the midst of the ferocious battle. I continue to form you, giving you graces from God to remain convicted to the path I have laid out for you. I continue to illuminate this path with the light of Truth so that you will not stumble and fall into the traps set for you.

My Beloved Cenacle, your foundation will be rocked and split open. God is angry! But His anger can never cloud His love for you whom He has ransomed! God will restore His favor - to the people who are crushed under the weight of iniquity. He has given you the banner of Truth. Rally to it - love it! Only then will God heal and deliver His People.

Remain steadfast in prayer and penance. I love you so.

12-08-93 Wednesday Cenacle Rejoice and be grateful that God has not left you alone to grapple in the darkness of sin.

My Chosen Cenacle,

Magnify the Lord with Me, My Beloved, on this Feast of my singular grace that was bestowed upon this Divine Maternal Vessel. This Feast is the cause of my greatest happiness - that of being preserved from the stain of sin! My soul, indeed, magnifies the Lord, My God, and rejoices in His infinite love and wisdom. From all eternity, He deemed it so that my soul be preserved from the slightest taint of sin so as to create a mirror image of Jesus. He desired that this spotless vessel radiate the purity, the very loveliness of God - for you, His poor creatures.

My Cenacle, rejoice and be grateful that God has not left you alone to grapple in the darkness of sin. Because of the great privilege of my Immaculate Conception, I am the vessel of God's grace - a beacon of His light for you, His beloved - those He has ransomed from the claws of sin.

I invite you to intimately associate yourselves with Me through your consecration to my Immaculate Heart. I wish to clothe you with the same loveliness of soul that I enjoy. I have come to the earth in a unique manner to form you and set you upon the path of sanctity - a path strewn with virtue. I wish to confirm you in grace and to restore your souls to their original beauty - the beauty that is God's own - the beauty that was snatched from souls through disobedience.

O, that you could contemplate the glory, the loveliness of your God! Your heart would burst with joy. His loveliness is a beauty that your mother magnifies! - a loveliness that God desires for His creatures. be ever intent upon imitating my virtue of humility - the first and most precious gem - a gem that you will encounter many times on the path to holiness. Clothe yourselves in the brilliant robe of purity as you trod the path. Let charity be the banner that you hold high on your journey inducing many to follow as you pass by.

My beloved, sadness has overcome your Mother as I see that my children are more intent upon gathering treasures that corrode. These treasures beautify the body only for a time. Their gleam is short lived. I have been sent to you to dispense treasures of gold. I have with me, My dear children, God's own treasure chest! It is open wide for my children to come and gather wealth untold. God's chest remains untapped as His creatures pass it by seeking worldly treasures instead. O, How I weep because my poor children are so attracted to sin, I cry out to them. Come, rid yourselves of this burden. Remove the stained and dingy clothing of sin. See what your mother has come down from Heaven touring you! A chest full of clean and brilliant clothing. Come, my sons and daughters, clothe yourselves in the lighter, brighter garments of the Wedding Banquet. The Bridegroom comes swiftly!! Those remaining in the dirty garments of sin will not be allowed into the banquet hall. But those clothed in the shimmering clothing of righteousness that I wish to put on you will be welcomed.

On this day that the Church has set aside to place particular emphasis on the interior beauty of My Soul, I am calling you to come to the treasure chest of God. Come and be made beautiful! -at the hands of your Mother who loves you so and who knows what God has intended for you from the beginning of your own conception. Your soul, too, has been created for splendor!

12-12-93 FAMILY ROSARY Feast day of Juan Diego

My Chosen Families,

Peace to all my faithful families! On this day, the Church remembers My visitation to my poor Indian son, Juan Deigo. My families, I also visit you with all the love a Mothers' heart can hold. I desire that your homes become the simple stables readied for the return of your Lord. I desire that your homes shine like the star that hung over Bethlehem's stable, on the day of His return. I am here to offer my service to you so that it may be so! How my children on earth would prepare if they were visited by an ambassador sent to announce the arrival of an honored guest to their home! If a prince or a ruler or a superstar were to visit their homes, what preparations would be made! What festivity would be anticipated! Workmen would be employed, details would be scrupulously tended to so that all be in order for the anticipated visitation. My families, I am the voice that cries out in the world today to make straight the path upon which the Lord shall return. Employ your Mother, My Beloved, so that your homes be made ready to receive their King. I wish to polish your homes with God's grace. The cobwebs of frivolity must be wiped away. The dust of materialism needs to be removed. The fabric of your relationships must be mended and bound with love. I wish to adorn your homes with the flowers of virtue. Do not say, "God has delayed His plans." Do not say, "I have plenty of time to prepare". My families, God will not be late! What is time to God? Will He find a readied stable in your home? Employ me, my families, through family consecration. Insure your homes total preparedness for the Distinguished Guest who is coming. This is a day of joy and preparation! Your God is drawing nearer. He will not be late! Let us pray, My families, for an outpouring of grace. Let us begin at the fountain of God's Mercy, the cleansing spring of His forgiveness. For the evening draws nigh and a new day is dawning.

12-15-93 Wednesday Cenacle Come! Help your Mother to arouse her children!

My Chosen Cenacle

Let us praise and extol the mighty name of God together! For the Mighty One has stooped low to the earth and seeing that His children had become spiritually destitute, came Himself to dwell among them. So much has he loved you!

My Cenacle, Come! Help your Mother to arouse her children! The appointed time of his birth is drawing near. We must set out with haste to greet His coming. My Beloved, Jesus' birth in the poor stable is mystery! For what is time to God? Time is for you - to measure and to mark events. God's mysteries are perpetual, infinite. Their mark on time is infinite. So it is with Jesus' birth. He becomes incarnate again through His Body on earth - through your 'yes.' Just as my yes brought Him forth so too, does yours. Just as I took flight to Bethlehem - leaving the familiar, so also, must you take flight - away from the familiar - to find Him.

Away from the noisy marketplace and into the silent, cold, dark, night is where God led me to show the world how it may find him! The world will find Him - in silence, so that His voice may be heard. In darkness, do that His light may be seen. In coldness so that his love may be felt.

Arise, My Cenacle! Help your Mother to awaken her sleeping children so that the peace of the Christ Child may extend over the tormented land like a blanket.

God is preparing the world for a marvelous encounter with His Divinity! Through your Mother He set the whole world to prayer. When prayer enfolds the whole world like a mantle, when the chaotic noise of the world recedes to a silent hush, when the darkness succumbs to His light, the world shall know its God!

So, My Cenacle, I commission you to devote yourselves to the task of preparation. Imitating my most chaste spouse, Joseph, commit yourselves to prayer, to silence, to persistence, to confidence and to patience. Trust in God's Will and Mighty Providence just as did St. Joseph.

The days to come will be laborious for you. The preparation, at times, tedious, the labor pains - tormenting. At these times, retreat, My faithful ones, to My Immaculate Heart - in prayer with great confidence and love. I shall always shelter you from the worst of Satan's artillery when you confidently approach the door of my Heart armed with your Rosary.

Come, My Cenacle - gather around the stable of His birth. Think what you might say to Him as your Mother so tenderly places Him into your arms.

12-22-93 Wednesday Cenacle Contemplate the wonder and awe of the trust God placed in one of His insignificant creatures!

My Chosen Cenacle,

Glory to God in the highest - and peace to His children on earth! Peace to you, My Cenacle. Let peace - glorious peace fill your soul as it descends upon you like a blanket of dew as His birth approaches.

My Cenacle, what wonder and awe should fill your heart as you behold the stable in Bethlehem! Come with your Mother. Let us gaze upon the tiny embodiment of our God. What joy! My heart leapt for joy as I gathered My God-child into My arms. Imagine, my dear ones - God - embodied as a fragile, helpless babe! My God-child my motherly charge! Who can comprehend the ways of our God? God trusted me that much! That He would place in my care, His own son, His own life, His own heart - so Sacred and so fragile!

My children, contemplate the wonder of the trust God had placed in one of His insignificant creatures! In my arms, God placed your Saviour. Thus, your salvation depended upon my response to God's trust in me! God placed your salvation in my arms - once and now - again. He has placed your salvation again in my charge. Oh, if you only knew what power God has afforded me, your mother! He is again sending me to the Bethlehem stable in the hearts of His little ones. I have been commissioned again to prepare a place for His birth - in silence - in humility - in hiddenness - in the recesses of your hearts. I am preparing for Christmas again in the hearts of His little followers who have awakened from their sleep and followed the Daystar. I am the Daystar who has awakened your sleeping hearts and have charted a path for you.

You must see, My Beloved, how much God now trusts you! As He trusted Me to prepare the way for His birth as a babe; he now trusts you to do the same - prepare for His birth again - the second advent.

My Cenacle, salvation has now been placed in your arms! How awesome - that you and I have been chosen and trusted with such a mighty charge!

Give Glory to God in the highest. In wisdom He has formed you in your mother's womb. In wisdom, He has called you forth. In wisdom, He purifies you. In wisdom, He has ordained that you cooperate with His plan of salvation. He calls you now to contemplate the wonder of His Son's humble birth so that you can gain insight to know Him more clearly as He again prepares His entrance into time.

Peace, Blessed Peace - be yours as the mystery of God's Love enfolds you on Christmas, the Blessed night of Hope.

12-29-93 WEDNESDAY CENACLE As the last days of the year draw to its close, let us draw together in a closer, more tightly knit circle of unity

My Dear Cenacle,

Let us draw ever nearer to our good God as the hours of this year pass to its close. Let us spend these last hours in retribution for the many sins that wound His heart so full of love. O, the unrequited Love of our Good God! - So rejected, yet so full of Mercy. His deeds have been forgotten as His anger rises like a fire ablaze.

As the last days of the year draw to its close, let us draw together in a closer, more tightly knit circle of unity. I invite you to cast off all division and discord. I invite you to wean your lives from excesses that have distracted you from your mission. I invite you to recollect yourself in prayer so that the seriousness of these times penetrate your hearts. As this year of tears draws to a close, a new year of tears and heartaches begins. I invite you to look upon the New Year as an extended invitation to prepare and atone. I invite you to look upon your war-torn brothers and sisters with hope rather than despair - Hope that their blood spills not in vain. Spilt blood of the innocent is a sin offering, My Cenacle. Do not despair; rather, trust!

I invite you to make a pilgrimage into the recesses of your own souls as the year draws to a close. There, the Holy Spirit will instruct you and feed you the heavenly diet of grace and wisdom. My Cenacle, it is important that you spend these last hours in silence and prayer so that you may rid yourself of any negativity that lingers in your hearts. Negativity weakens my protective mantle of grace which surrounds you.

My Beloved, you are entering a year in which it is imperative to seal all cracks through which the evil entities might gain entrance. It is a year that will present even greater spiritual danger. Satan is in a rage because he knows that our victory is eminent. He will use his most deadly tactics to destroy as many souls as possible.

My army must keep watch with diligence and solicitude. Begin your preparation for the ever-intensifying battle of the coming year with prayer to the Holy Spirit - God's greatest gift to mankind. Pray that you remain awake and preserved from the deceit and snares set about to harm you.

My cenacle, I am always with you. I pray with you. I am leading you through this desert of prayer and atonement. I am guiding you to the promised land of the new era of peace. I, your Mother, am the new Moses. You are God's chosen people. You must remain attentive to My voice in the desert. Come, my children, confidently into the new year with your Mother.