A Call To Holiness

January through June 1996 Messages To Lena Shipley


The Holy Spirit led me to my Bible. I opened it at random and the page I opened to was Acts 27. The caption that my eyes fell upon read 'Storm and Shipwreck'. (At this time I was not aware that this day was the Feast of the conversion of St. Paul). Acts 27 is the story of St. Paul's last missionary journey to Rome. He was a prisoner. It was such a hazardous journey that it was thought that no one could survive it.

The Lord spoke to me as follows:

"My little warrior, Read this synopsis of storm and shipwreck with the eyes of prophetic vision.

You also have set sail as a prisoner (to sin and the enemy influence). You sail into the eventide of this age. You sail into disaster! You meet the strong head winds of error, confusion; yes, even to the obvious end of apostasy! It will seem that little progress is being made by you as you push ahead into the strong winds of adversity. What progress that is made will be only with difficulty and reliance on My grace.

You must commit yourselves to perseverance. Attach yourselves to My Mother. She is your anchor, your refuge, as you sail. You must be willing to submit to changing your present course.

Much time has already passed since you have set sail and now, My dear heart, the waters have become hazardous. I have placed My Mother into the midst of the waters as your lighthouse. She has told you that humankind shall meet with disaster and heavy loss if the present course is continued. Heavy loss must now be suffered, such as worldly possessions and yes, even lives - because the majority have continued this course of destruction.

A deceptive calm will sweep over the ill-fated lot. They will follow the perpetrator of lies and believe that they have found what they were looking for. They will pledge their allegiance to the deceiver who shall appear so suave and charismatic - all the while robbing them of their inheritance. After he has seduced them, a great and powerful hurricane shall come over them. So caught up in sin, that it now shall be only with the greatest of difficulty that control of the human passion and ego shall be gained.

Look, My lost seafarers, to the small anchors that My Mother is making use of today! Only they can carry the lost now! The pounding shall be violent and much will be lost! So savage shall be the storm that neither sun, nor stars shall provide light. All shall abandon any hope of survival.

My Mother, through tears of anguish, shall remind you that you should have taken Her advice to change course while change was still possible. I urge you now to keep up your courage! Not one of the souls of the predestined of My Mother's army shall be lost!

My chosen cohort, I have sent My Vicar to assure you - Be not afraid! Listen to him! You have a great destiny! You shall inherit My Kingdom. God has granted safe passage to those selected souls, as a favor to the Queen illuminated in God's magnificent grace. (those selected souls are those consecrated to Mary)

So I say to you to take courage. Trust in God. The victory of the Queen and Her army is assured and has been foretold to you. Even though you must face shipwreck, none among you will be lost - only the ship!

I leave you with this advice: "Come to My table! I urge you to take the Bread of Life which will give you strength to survive. (This survival is spiritual survival, the survival of faith at a time when all faith upon the earth is in danger of death due to the Passion of the Church). Not one of you shall loose a hair of his head.

Give thanks, then. Take and eat. This will give you new courage. Lighten the baggage that you carry. Wean yourselves of excess and luxury. It will surely weigh you down for the remainder of the journey ahead. Those of you who have been nourished with the messages from My Mother, LIVE THEM! Those who have not received them will follow your lead as all becomes shattered by the pounding of the sea of chastisement.

In this way, it shall be that all shall come safely ashore, transformed and purified. Believe it, My daughter. Make it known!"

(This message may be the most powerful that I have ever received. The circumstances of my writing it have astounded me. It directly parallels St. Paul's hazardous journey at sea. I have prayed about this message, asked for confirmation and have received it. I pray that all who read this will begin to live their consecration to Our Lady with renewed fervor, receive the Eucharist every day, and begin to love in a manner only sustained by God's grace. To those of you who are consecrated to Our Lady, take heart. The promise made to you is awesome! You will arrive safely ashore as a result of God's favor to the Queen who is illuminated in God's magnificent Grace - Your Mother!


Lena Shipley

02-21-96 ASH WEDNESDAY I invite My cenacle to enter into the spirit of sacrifice, the spirit of love

"I invite My cenacle to enter into the spirit of sacrifice, the spirit of love. Lean on Me and not on yourselves. Crave the food of the Spirit, your Bread of Life. Indulge not in the things of the flesh which are perishing. Live in the silent abode of My Presence and not in the noise of the world.

Begin to put on, more and more, the Lenten Spirit of sacrifice for these days to come. Destruction and loss dot your planet to prove the mortality of the flesh and the transitory nature of things.

I plead with you from the Cross: Come, follow Me. The Lenten spirit must expand beyond a time frame to a mindset because the whole world has embarked upon the Way of the Cross. Come, follow the Way of the Cross, for what other path, My Beloved, leads to Eternal Life?

You are observing a broader Lent which precedes a magnificent Easter - the triumph of the Heart of My Mother and My Kingdom come upon the earth.

03-20-96 BLESSED SACRAMENT I rely on you, My little heart, to make my Voice heard as I now cry out from the Cross.

Daughter, I rely on you, My little heart, to make my Voice heard as I now cry out from the Cross.

My children, O, what have I done to you - that you repeatedly defy My Blessed Love? Look at Me upon the Cross - your Cross! Yet, I, out of infinite love - laid upon it for you. My hands, My feet - pierced. My Body ravaged as My Blood poured out to cover the hideousness of your rebellion.

My children, you look; but you do not see how much I have loved you! What more could I have done? Do you not see, as you move through these commemorative days of Lent that the whole world is moving along the road to Calvary!?

(At this time, a friend came over to me and asked me to pray for her. I said I would. My intention was to wait until after I had written the message, but the Lord said: Stop, daughter, pray for My little one. Join your prayer to her act of faith. I shall hear her humble prayer.)

I stopped writing and prayed for her. Then Jesus continued: What will you do, My beloved, if you do not come to Me here in this Sacrament of My True Presence?

Vision I was given at this time:

(I saw the Monstrance empty. The gold was no longer shiny as it is today. The finish on it was tarnished and was becoming corroded and black. The Church was growing colder and the light in the Church was getting dimmer. People were coming into the Church anyway. As they proceeded toward the empty Monstrance they began to cry and carry on as though in deep mourning. They were beating their breast in front of what used to be the house where Jesus lived among us. Those coming into the Church who did love and visit the Blessed Sacrament were also crying, but they were not carrying on like the ones who never bothered to come to Him while He was still among us.

Those who had always been close to Jesus began to console the others who seemed inconsolable. They began to teach the poor, miserable ones, trying to assure them that Jesus would return and not leave them orphans - as He had promised. After the darkness (which was descending so fast now), Jesus would return and re-establish His Kingdom and be with His people forever - until the end of time in a glorious, new way.

At the end of this vision, the Church was totally black. The people acted as though they were suffocating. No one could see one another any longer. Then - total silence, total blackness. From this silence, Jesus spoke again:

"I have told you, My people, that I am the Light of your world. You did not believe Me! Now, in the hour of your Passion you cry out with Me in your darkness: "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?"

My people, I have told you that I am the Life-Breath of your soul. You did not believe Me! And now, in the hour of your passion, you gasp for air, just as I did when there was no longer air flowing freely through My lungs.

I have told you that you are never alone; for I dwell with you in all the Tabernacles of the world. You did not believe Me! And now, in the hour of your last agony, you experience the isolation of the Crucifixion which you, yourselves have bargained for as you aligned yourselves with the mighty enemy. Yes, you have murdered My priests, My beloved, consecrated ones. You murdered them with your tongues. Eventually their blood flowed through your streets and now they are My Beloved Martyrs in Heaven - while you experience the isolation of My last moments on earth.

O, My people, what more could I have done for you? Now, in your agony you cry and lament over your sins! My foolish children, I love you to a fault! Cry and weep no longer. For I give you Easter! Yes, your darkness will be turned again into light. After the night, comes the glory of morning. I am God, who is Love Incarnate. My love for you can never die. I beg you, My Beloved - Never, ever die to It (God's Love).

03-27-96 Blessed Sacrament My Church has been held captive and now exists in the bondage of error and confusion.

As I sat before the Blessed Sacrament, I was thinking about the coming persecution of the Church. I wondered about the possibility of the destruction of our American Churches like what happened in Bosnia, esp. the beautiful Churches that I had visited in Dubrovnik on my first visit there, then the destruction of those Churches I saw on my third visit there.

Jesus said:

"Daughter, write: You must not fear for My Church. Rather, rejoice for Her, as Her captivity draws to completion. My Church has been held captive and now exists in the bondage of error and confusion. Many who now lay claim to a true Catholicity are deceiving themselves. They have muddied My Church. They try to obscure Catholicism and attempt to put Truth to death. My poor Church! It is filling up with dead men's bones! - becoming a whitened sepulcher - all beautiful to the eyes, but inside corrupt, shallow! No, I will not allow My true Church to perish! That is My Word, daughter! My Hand is upon it - ready to shake it out!

Do not fear for Her. For Her Light will shine brighter than ever. As the sun turns night into day, so shall My Church, My true Church (as I intended it to be), will shine in the world and turn the present day night into a glorious new day.

Much of what you see in My Church is a facade; but soon the veils will be torn in two, My child. Truth will burn to the core of every human being alive. Those who are for Me, those who love Me, will repent and be saved. Those who are against Me will rise up with their weapons. They will attack Me in you, My beloved. They will attack Me in My Church. But they cannot kill God! Nor can they sully My True Presence among My true believers! God will protect His remnant Church! Believe it! Make this known! My Spirit is upon you, daughter."

I began to question Jesus:

Lord, is all of this true? Is the 'warning' close? "Yes"

Is it next month, as I have been told? "I ask you to believe, by faith. Ask not for what you do not need. Ask not to satisfy human curiosities. Rather, ask for interior graces to prepare you for what now must come upon you. Begin to live with My Mother, in My Mother. Begin to live and breath and have your being in all of Her messages that have been entrusted to you. In this way you give the Father glory and prepare for His Gift of Mercy. Believe it and make it known!"

04-17-96 Blessed Sacrament How precious is every soul to the Blessed Trinity!

Blessed Sacrament at St. Mary's


Begin by putting distractions aside. I wish to be your only distraction this hour. I wish to be your only distraction every hour. Repeat, "My Jesus Mercy" until they flee.

"I am your Jesus! I belong to you. I belong to the whole world - a perpetual sacrifice - a seal of love stamped upon every heart - My Wounds engraved upon every redeemed soul! O, if My children only knew their worth!

And that, My little heart, is what My Father's great gift of Mercy is meant to reveal - the priceless worth of every individual soul! How precious is every soul to the Blessed Trinity! God's creation - His handiwork - meant to be with Him forever, returning glory for glory, love for love!

But, how My children have degraded God's gift of life! How little they value their own lives! How they have desecrated themselves through sin!

O, humanity, how long must I labor to win back your love? How long will it take you to see the beauty in your soul - My seal of Love imprinted therein? My poor creatures! You cannot see, for sin has blinded you to your great worth! What shall I do with you? How shall you see My great love within you?

I tell you solemnly, a great sign - the sign of your salvation - shall appear in the sky. The intensity of its Light shall penetrate your darkened soul and illuminate My wounds reflected upon your soul. For those who have never before contemplated My wounds, this first sight of them in all their hideousness, shall be unbearable.

Happy the soul who has bathed these wounds in My Mercy! This shall be their great consolation on that day - their magnanimous hope!

My chosen souls, My prepared souls - those who have placed themselves within the Hands of My Mother, lead My flock! In the aftermath of the world's greatest shock - lead My flock to the bath of My Mercy, to the fountain of Life that never runs dry.

Even now, My sign of light and conviction is speeding toward the earth.

Daughter, pass this on. Now make an act of love - for it is the love of My creatures for which I thirst.

04-22-96 BLESSED SACRAMENT Realize the great graces I have bestowed upon you today

Daughter, Realize the great graces I have bestowed upon you today. Be grateful. Be happy! How does it feel to belong to Me and not to the world? I assure you that when we meet face to face, you will be where you belong.

We are so close that you cannot see Me. You cannot separate Me from you. I am within you and you cannot grasp that reality.

My gentle soul, how I love you! How many times I have told you so! How many more times I shall continue to tell you so - until the distraction of doubt vanishes and you stand before Me in wonder and awe. I will love you until the stars are no more; even then will our love affair just begin.

Cherish these moments of grace in their plenitude! I desire to lavish upon you the excess of My Mercy. What shall you fear - besides displeasing Me? What should you desire - except the plenitude of Grace? For who shall satisfy the hunger of your Heart? What shall distract you from My peace? Your daily duties? They are but moments ticking away time - here one minute, gone the next.

A whole lifetime is but a flickering of a candle in comparison to eternity. We have eternity to share, My beloved. Let us begin it right now.

Why do you wonder what to give Me? All I want is just a glance from you - just a nod - just to hear you call My name with longing in your heart! What else can you give Me? Your actions are too often tainted with self-love. Your words are too often half-hearted. Your resolve is often weakened.

I want, My spouse, that part of you that is the missing part of Me. - your love, your heart - rooted in your will. A garden enclosed. Your will - the soil. Your heart - the stem from which blooms a magnificent flower - your love.

05-01-96 Message I am calling you to vigilant faithfulness to My messages

My little soul, speak to My Cenacle. As always, I come in the name of the Omnipotent Godhead - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Praised be the Blessed Trinity now and forever.

My Beloved Cenacle,

Among you many seeds have sprouted. Seeds of truth, seeds of hope and seeds of holiness are springing forth from the hearts who have received My messages.

You have been planted in a serene little section of the Father's garden. It is here, in this shelter of faith, that you must blossom and bear much fruit for your Father's glory. It is for this reason that I have come to you through My messenger.

In order to insure that the enemy does not steal or destroy the seedlings already rooted and sprouting among you, I am calling you to vigilant faithfulness to My messages. I desire that you become living sanctuaries in your families, neighborhoods, workplaces and communities. You are called to be a holy people, whose light shines brightly for all to see. The light emanating from you must be the light of love and truth.

If you are not living in love, you cannot be used for the Heavenly Father's purposes. If you are not living Divine Love, you are not living in a state of preparedness. I ask you, My dear cenacle, to examine yourselves and make frequent use of the Holy Sacrament of My Divine Son's unfathomable Mercy. Banish all bitterness from your hearts. All that must remain in the hearts of My consecrated ones today is love!

Your hearts must become sanctuaries of love and hope for the many who will need a 'safe place' in the aftermath of the great event soon to come. There are still many hearts within your grasp who have not yet opened to the Father's love as revealed through My messages to the world.

My cenacle, it is you who have been chosen to be the sanctuaries, the hope, for those sleeping hearts about to be shaken from their sleep! You cannot fulfill this purpose for which you have been called if you are not living in Love!

My little ones, allow your Mother to remind you to keep the oil of love burning in your lamps at all times for your bridegroom comes in blinding light with great haste! Many have been called for these last times, few will remain steadfast and persevering in grace unless they remain faithful to their consecration to My Immaculate Heart. I leave you in peace and beg you to keep loving.

05-15-96 BLESSED SACRAMENT It is by Faith that you know I am truly present before you

My little heart, "Do you believe that I am truly present?"

Yes, Lord.

"Blessed are you, My little one, for it is by Faith that you know I am truly present before you. It is My Father's gift. All is gift. You do nothing on your own. You do not write on your own initiative. You merely respond.

I have given you new eyes. These new eyes see beyond the human. What you perceive through them is gift. It is what I write upon your heart. Unlike your human eyes that look where you direct them, I am the One who directs your new eyes, when I choose and not when you choose.

"Write what you see."

I then saw interiorly dense black clouds rolling over everything - houses, children playing, cars moving. It seemed as though a black shadow passed over everything. I was above the black clouds in light. I could no longer see anything because the clouds passed beneath me over all.

Jesus spoke again: "You are in the Light, My little heart, because you are in My presence. Like all true disciples, you have recognized Me in the breaking of the bread. I am the Bread come down from Heaven. When I spoke those words the first time, I spoke them for your benefit - so that you would recognize Me. In recognizing Me, you have accepted the Gift of Myself on your altars, in your Tabernacles.

I must be recognized and loved by all those souls, in the buildings, in the streets, on the highways who have been overshadowed by darkness."

What can I do, Lord, so that you can be recognized and loved?

"Keep the light of faith burning brightly in your heart. I pour out abundant graces from the Monstrance. It is like a Sun which energizes you to go out and light up the world with the love that I give you. Love, My little one, is a way of life, not a good feeling. It emanates from the Will, not the emotions. It is sacrificial, not self-serving. It can only be obtained here beneath the rays of My Sacred Heart. My

energizing Love is pouring out upon you as you sit here - silently and secretly. As the darkness thickens, passing over everything, I need My energized little ones to light the way back to My Sacred Heart. I desire to be made available more often. I need more energized souls to light the way to My Heart - souls who recognize Me as the True Bread come down from Heaven. For this reason, I desire to be made available more often in this Parish; where, through the Monstrance I shall draw many souls to My Heart."

"Make this known."

05-22-96 WEDNESDAY CENACLE It is the prayers of My cenacles throughout the world that will form the archway through which the Spirit shall pass

Vision: I saw a white dove atop of the world with its' wings spread over the whole world. Fire was streaming from its' nostrils.

My Cenacle, I remain with you in motherly love and fidelity. I will remain with all of My Cenacles until such time as they have accomplished their purpose.

My beloved little ones, from the heart of My cenacles will burst forth power from the Most High. The Holy Spirit of Love, of Power and of conviction shall descend upon the whole earth. Even today, My numerous cenacles prepare the path, open the gate for the Spirit's descent upon humankind.

It is the prayers of My cenacles throughout the world that will form the archway through which the Spirit shall pass. God, in His infinite goodness, has deemed it so that your Mother form one continuous cenacle around the world to herald the coming of Power. Their voices blend in prayer to supplicate the Father, to appease His wrath. The voices of My continuous cenacle blend to atone for the countless offenses committed against the Sacred Heart, already so wounded.

My beloved, your Mother has offered to the Almighty, the vast repository of prayer formed by My cenacles. He has accepted the offering of My continuous cenacle and prepares this fallen world to receive the gift of the Second Pentecost to precede the New Advent. The Spirit of God shall descend with the swiftness of lightening, with the power and might of a raging forest fire. The light of conviction shall reveal the hidden beauty of Truth.

You, My cenacles, shall shine like the stars of the heavens and shall begin a new phase of the mission I have entrusted to you. Like the apostles after the first Pentecost, you shall go forth from the 'upper room' of your cenacle and proclaim the Truth of My messages - the Gospel of Jesus Christ - as It was meant to be proclaimed from the beginning.

You shall go forth from your cenacles, renewed, alive in Grace, heralds of Love, Mercy and Peace. You shall be persecuted and despised. At the end of this age, the Church - triumphant and resplendent - shall emerge, carried by My Cenacles, the first fruits of a new creation.

I shall remain with you until all that I have foretold comes to pass.

05-30-96 WEDNESDAY CENACLE . I have united your hearts so that they may be joined to the Hearts of My Son and I

My Beloved Cenacle,

I remain always with you, united in prayer, to set your hearts on the greater gifts - which my continuous cenacle awaits with gladness. I have formed you and now, gathered together as one continuous band of unity, my cenacle encircles the earth.

I am always with you in prayer so that my cenacles, which now form one cenacle, be united in heart. I have united your hearts so that they may be joined to the Hearts of My Son and I. In this unity, a perfect offering in Holiness may be made to the Father.

I am joined with you in prayer so that you not loose heart. If you, beloved of My Heart, could but glimpse the full scope of God's Plan, you would jump for joy! Steer yourselves away from contemplating time-frames, lest you loose heart. Rather, contemplate the Eternal Reality. My Cenacle, God is about to manifest the Eternal Truth in time once again.

For this manifestation, I have come to prepare you. For this manifestation of the Eternal, I remain with you. The desire of My Heart is that you remain united with Me in a constant state of prayer so that there will be no weak spot in My one continuous cenacle by which the enemy may enter.

O, my timid little ones - likened to the first apostles with whom I was gathered in the upper room cenacle! How weak you are and so anxious about many things! I find Myself gathered once again in cenacle with My Son's latter day apostles who await the coming of transforming Power. Together we wait for the Fire of Illuminating Truth. Together we await the Fire of Transforming Love. And you, My little hearts, ignite this Fire from on High, becoming yourselves the new heart of the transformed and glorious Church.

Your Mother waits and prays with you.

06-05-96 Wednesday Cenacle I have worked tirelessly among you and all of My cohort to bring about the unity of My little ones

VISION: I saw a circle of people around the whole world (representative of Our Lady's army). Each person held high a lighted torch. The flames from those torches ascended to the heavens (like balloons being released). They pierced the sky and as they did, the sky opened. From this opening, a huge white dove descended. From it poured forth tongues of fire - brighter than the sun. These tongues of fire fell like rain covering the whole world.

My Beloved Cenacle,

You have faithfully gathered together in cenacle week after week in this beloved little village that I hold near and dear to My Immaculate Heart. You have constructed sturdy shelter here in My little garden which I love with a motherly tenderness.

I have been with you, forming you and guiding you these many years. Strong bonds of unity have been forged among you. You, My beloved, comprise a strong link in My one, continuous cenacle around the world. I have worked tirelessly among you and all of My cohort to bring about the unity of My little ones that has been God's Will from the very beginning. I am with you now in a special way to help you realize that this unity must exist if God's Plan is to reach fruition. Just as the Father, Son and Spirit are one, you must stand united encircling the globe as we wait together for the coming of Power and Glory. United we stand as we await the promise of the Father - the coming of the Fire of Love, Truth and Justice.

United in prayer, sacrifice and penance - My cenacles must stand. United in uncompromising fidelity to the Holy Father and to Sacred Tradition, My cenacles must stand. My Cenacles must stand united in Faith - Faith in God's promises, His goodness and infinite love for His creatures.

My Cenacles must stand united in Hope - Hope in the coming of God's Kingdom upon earth, where the power of evil will be broken and the world reclaimed by it's Creator.

My Cenacles must stand united in Love - Love of God above all else, denouncing the material world around you - until that love reaches fruition in the realization of My messages, which now unfold before your eyes in a manner such as the world has never seen before this age nor ever shall again.

Remain attentive to My words. Stand together with all My cenacles around the world in a unified circle of joyful hope. I remain with you.

06-12-96 Message What concerns you today will all be for naught tomorrow

My little heart,

You have called Me and I am here - always with you. I await your call and delight when you turn to Me - your help, your consolation.

I reveal to you - not the remedies for your worldly trivialities. Rather, I reveal to you that which is beyond reach of your knowledge.

Daughter, what concerns you today will all be for naught tomorrow. What you shall wear, what to eat, what to buy and what to sell - all these concerns pass away. Be concerned for the things that do not perish - matters that concern your immortal soul.

I tell you solemnly - if you are caught up with the things of this world, you shall also be caught up in My wrath in the hour of cleansing. My wrath has been so provoked by the evildoers of this age. If I were to withdraw My protection from your cities, all would be annihilated at the hands of humanity, for this humanity has sunk deep in the mire of sin. Your houses and your streets would be filled with corpses at the merciless marauders of your age. Then, My people, what would be of concern to you in the face of such destruction and loss? Not what to wear, what to eat, what to buy or sell!

If your homes were made only of clay or wood or stone - what could endure on the day of the Lord's wrath? Nothing, My beloved, nothing! But, if your homes be fortified with love, mercy and every virtue, if your homes be raised up in the manner of holiness - as My Mother has come to insure - all shall be saved. Therefore, cling not to the perishables of this world, lest you be swept away in battle.

Cling to the words of My Mother. They are Heaven's words. They are words emanating from the Heart that burns with love for you, My creation. My Sacred Heart - engulfed with flames of My Love - a love so abused, so neglected; yet so visible in the Sacrament of My Love.

O, My children, persevere with Mary, Heaven's Queen and earth's mother. Stand firm, although the winds of materialism, consumerism threaten to bend you to the earth. Stand firm against the onslaught of atheism and hatred as these fires of perversion threaten to purge love from human hearts and reduce them to ashes. Do not submit to the flood of doubt, discouragement and despair. You have a spirit within you of life, not death; of love, not hate.

The Spirit within you is greater that the spirit in the world and can overcome all obstacles. You are in battle, My beloved. Keep yourselves armed with the messages of My Mother. Keep within her reach and you will remain safe on the day when I shall hide My Face from this humanity for its' wickedness. You, My chosen lot, shall see My Face imprinted upon your hearts. As My faithful one, Veronica continued to behold My Face upon her veil after my departure from this earth, so shall you enjoy My Face so full of love in the hour of My Justice.

I solemnly say to you - I will cleanse this world and I will forgive it and it shall then be My great joy, My praise and My glory once again.

Persevere! Ask not for that which is passing quickly away. Rather, set your hearts on running the race to the finish - for Me, for Love, for Eternity forever and ever.

06-19-96 Message The Holy Spirit even now is working His prodigy among you

My little heart,

Ask of Me anything. I delight in responding to the desires of your heart.

When will the Holy Spirit come and renew and purify the face of the earth so that you, My Jesus, will be recognized and loved as you should?

"The Holy Spirit even now is working His prodigy among you. This great work of God is being accomplished even now, in this moment, within the hearts that have been consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. In hiddenness and obscurity, this mighty work of transformation is being wrought in the hearts of My predilection under the protective mantle of My Mother.

O, how impatient are my little ones! You so often forget that God's Plan unfolds according to His Perfect Will. You are the first fruits of a new generation. Your fruit will blossom in due season. All that was hidden shall be revealed. You, the seedlings cared for and nurtured by My Mother shall burst forth new life of beauty and grace. My Mothers' fields, having turned into gold, shall cast their light over all the earth - lighting up the darkness and the way of the Holy Spirit.

All shall be realized only after much travail and laborious work in the fields of the Queen's army. It is for you, My chosen souls, the delight of My Heart, to remain open to grace. Come often to My Fountain of Living Water where I shall renew your strength and teach you the secrets of My Heart - the way of your perfection.

I have sent to the earth the Epitome of Perfection, the Star of the Universe, as your model. I have sent you My Mother whom I have given as your Mother. I have clothed Her with overflowing tenderness, compassion and love. This, Her Mantle, extends over every one of Her children. I have girded Her with My Wisdom which She extends, by a special grace, to Her children so that they possess a portion of the Mind and Manner of God. I send Her to earth bathed in magnificent light so that you can emerge from your cocoons of darkness into the glorious light of Heaven's Glory. I have clothed Her with every virtue to attract you away from your every vice. I extend Heaven to earth through Mary Immaculate Queen for My creatures, so that they might realize the great hope to which they have been called.

My beloved Mother has prepared you well, My little ones. Now she awaits with you the Great Day of Harvest. Trumpets are poised to announce this day which will coincide with the coming of Power.

I tell you solemnly that changes are indeed unfolding as petals of a rose. God's magnificent plan is on the threshold of fulfillment. Just as petals of a rose unfold without your notice; so too, is God's final plan of victory unfolding swiftly, imperceptibly. Suddenly, without final warning, all shall be upon you.

Be stouthearted and wait upon your Lord. Soon you shall behold the Rose upon the horizon of a New Day - a day long anticipated by My remnant Church.

06-26-96 WEDNESDAY CENACLE These days are rich in the plenitude of God's Mercy

My Dear Cenacle,

These decisive days which God has granted to humanity for its' salvation, are days of plenty.

These days are rich in the plenitude of God's Mercy. His Mercy has been unveiled in and through the Immaculate Heart of your Mother. For, it is your Mother's intention to gather her children around the fountain of Divine Mercy in this final hour of grace.

Yes, My little ones, these days in which you are living are days of plenty. The plenitude of Heaven's treasury of grace is offered to you - full measure and overflowing - in this final hour of God's Mercy. Heaven's repository of grace is being dispensed to you who have resolutely responded "yes" to the call of your Mother.

How many of my little ones, with hands, hearts and voices upraised toward Heaven, have given to their Mother their fiat and are now well along the road of conversion! How easy your Mother has made it for you to respond to her messages!

She has made her voice heard in many places around the world. She has dispatched many messengers for her service. She has illuminated your path with the guiding star of Truth. She has warned of the many snares that have been set for you. She has warmed you with her Motherly love and kept you well protected beneath her mantle.

Now, she gathers her cohort from the four corners of the world, united as one, under the banner of the one, true Gospel, the one, true Church.

I gather My chosen souls under the Cross of My Son - the Mark of your Salvation to console you and to forewarn you of impending famine. My beloved, an hour of famine shall sweep across the world overcoming this present hour of plenty - leaving you with only a memory of a time passed away - never to return.

The hour of Mercy shall give way to the hour of Divine Justice with the swiftness of lightening. God's tenderness shall be hidden from you. You shall know an hour of Gethsemane's isolation. The world will undergo the flagellation of God's Holy Wrath. This prideful humanity will be broken and scattered in their conceit and will know the indignation experienced by My Son as He was mocked and crowned with thorns. The world and the Church will have its' hour on Calvary.

Tonight you find your Mother weeping because I know that My little soldiers shall not stand for long unless they allow themselves to be fortified with supernatural graces. Your faith must be strong and your fiat, resolute, unshakable! Repeat often, even with every breath, 'Jesus, I trust in you'.

For this reason, I require souls from the ranks of my army who are willing to suffer for the good of the whole. Begin now, my soldiers, to detach from the illusions of this world. Begin now, my chosen little ones, to suffer your daily trials with resignation to God's Holy Will. Begin now, my beloved, to live in the spiritual famine and poverty that will surely be yours - so that the Kingdom, which is dawning just beyond the horizon, be yours!

Blessed are you, My lowly ones, for you shall inherit the world and the crown of glory awarded to those who know God and have believed with all their hearts that it was He who sent Me.